Ervin Laszlo

Ervin Laszlo

I enjoy reading Ervin Laszlo, at least the books he’s written for the general public.  As a theoretical physicist working on the ToE (Theory of Everything) and a systems philosopher the details he works with go waaaayyy over my head.  However, what he’s working on, or to be more accurate, the results of his studies and that of dozens of other scientists from most other scientific disciplines is fascinating to me.  Because their research is progressing towards discovery of the Akashic field.  They already know that it has to be out there, discovering the Higgs Boson particle is another step in that direction, and he’s written books that explain why all the scientific theories and evidence is leading in that direction. It’s great to see science catching up to what has been known by the spiritual community for centuries.  And as a philosopher he’s able to understand that part of things and marvel.

In a 2012 article for the Huffington Post he looks at things, not as us trying to get there, but the Akashic field influencing what we are and what we do here.  He moves away from the industrial 1st world concepts of the material being inimical to life and instead sees that improving life as we know it means living fully in the world and of it.  He lists 16 ideas that indicate an Akashic way of thinking.  I really appreciate #4 and #16 isn’t bad either.  Which ones resonate with you?

Ervin Laszlo:  Akasha Think