What is Shamanism?

I have a strongly negative reaction to the terms ‘shaman’ and ‘shamanism’ as do most Native Americans.  And there are several reasons for that.  The most general is that almost 100% of people who are claiming to be shamans are just trying to get money from people.  They may or may not have any gifts…

Random Happenings or Skill Building?

A common question I get asked by clients is “Why did X period of my life have to happen?”  It’s usually something that took 5/10/20 years, seems from the perspective of cultural norms to have been a failure to achieve the standard goal, and to have nothing to do with the current phase of life…

Dreams Are Not One Size Fits All

Clients, friends and family come to me to talk about their dreams.  I’ve worked with them extensively for decades and while each dream is unique to the dreamer, I usually can provide some insight that they might not have come to on their own or point them in the right direction to get the most…

Different Types of Knowing

There are all types of knowing that people can and do experience, some valued more than others and some discounted all together.  Muscle memory allows your body to know an action or a process through repetition so the brain doesn’t have to focus on performing that action.  Muscle knowing helps you know how best to…

What have we learned?

I cannot stress enough how efficacious it is to look back at where you’ve been and where you’ve come from.  Not just as a life review, but in regular life as well. This was pointed out to me by my sister who spent a decade as a forester.  We are visual beings who record in…

Hearing but not Listening

Because of the multitudinous amounts of input we receive every day we have learned coping skills for wading through it and deflecting what we can’t deal with or want to hold onto for later.  One of these skills is using our ears to hear what is incoming, but decoupling the mental ‘listening’ faculty from this…

The Akashics is Not Just a Library

Most people, when learning about or working with the Akashics are dealing directly with the Akashic Library.  Which makes sense because most people doing so are looking for answers, working on self-exploration, seeking healing, etc., etc., etc.  As the Library holds a great many answers and beings who can help people find the answers, it…

Change Resistant

I focus a lot on self-improvement and self actualization in my blogs.  Mostly because it’s the one thing any of us has control over.  However, in this year of the Snake where we’re being challenged to make deep internal changes and transitions, I think it’s worth talking about some externals as well.  And that is…

2013 – weaving from Moon to Moon

Last year’s work with Dragon has shaken things up, spit you out into  new places, broken you out of old patterns and left you wondering what  happened.  Some things were good, some things were painful, and no  matter what the sum of it all is, it was all drastic and sudden and  just a bit…

Break the Habit

What habits do you have that set the structure for your life?  Do you over think things?  Do you leap before you look?  Do you just wander letting life set your course for you?  Do you try to force life into the course you want it to have?  Do you constantly want things that don’t…