Over the past couple of weeks I have noticed something interesting.  Kind of like having a friend that is pregnant and then noticing pregnant women everywhere.  You know they were there before, you just weren’t tuned in.  What I’ve been noticing lately is people limiting their success.  It’s not about abilities, it’s not about talent or resources, it’s not about customer or audience interest, it’s about their mindset.  They have it in their mind that limited success is all they MAY have if they do this thing and they act accordingly.

I’ve had conversations where people actively avoid talking about or planning to do the most simple things that would get them in the public eye.  They therefore avoid approval, avoid making any returns on their investment, and keep themselves perpetually hoping that something that might go there way and always avoiding anything but a small margin of success, which is what they seem to find acceptable.  Wildly successful enterprises and actually making a living are set to be something like lightning striking or winning the lottery without a ticket.  I have seen organizations do the same.  It’s amazing that after all this time and bumper stickers and motivational posters a Facebook posts that anyone would be unaware of the aphorism, “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a differing result is the definition of insanity.”  So why keep doing the same thing over and over and hoping that anything other than the same people will show up with the same results?  Some simple steps would open things up.  But that would lead to change, to possible success, and to things becoming real.  Well, let’s not let that happen.  Only so much a mind can take at one time, I guess.

Not that I’m not prone to the same thing.  Like I said, I’ve been seeing it for the past couple of weeks. So wonder what I’ve up to the past few decades.  Hmmm….time to go get that key and see what is possible outside this cage…