Happy Mother’s Day to all those who are mothers and are loving their children, and grandchildren, step-children, step-grandchildren….You deserve this day for all the wonderful things you do and for all the doubts you suffer and you do the best you can. There being no manual to follow you’re building the plane as you’re flying it. You’re doing a great job so far. Keep up the good work. Congratulations to all of you who survived your children and didn’t strangle them or abandon them when you really wanted to. You know you had those moments. All parents do. Often while shopping in the grocery store or when you try to take the little darlings out to a non-child themed restaurant. I know the good times make up for it all and now you do to. 🙂 They are/will be good and well adjusted people with just the right amount of crazy who hopefully will go out into the world and make just as many mistakes as you did, but different ones so you have something to laugh about. And for all of you mother’s in the midst of that time period, keep breathing. You love them. Keep breathing.
For those of you who have difficulties with this day, I hear you. Not every mother is glorious. Not every mother was even particularly good. Some mothers were and are horrendous. They do great damage, they leave scars, they are the nightmares we hide from and a special day specifically for them seems to be a form of sacrilege that returns year after year to be suffered through. The abuse seems never ending even decades after the fact. But today is your day too. The day when you once again proclaim the truth: that biology does not make a mom, that not all moms are nice, and that one can survive and thrive not only without but despite them. Honor your truth on this day. We honor you.
Happy Mother’s Day