There are times when it is best to be objective about something.  Which means to set aside any wishes or desires you have about the outcome, anything you have personally invested in it, and think of it as a logic problem or like math.  Or go into child-mind or no-mind and look at the events or the facts without any preconceived notions.  If you can.  It’s a skill to be able to do so, is never fully achievable, and sometimes is impossible.

On the other hand, sometimes it is best to be subjective about things.  Because the issue at hand needs to have all the emotions, the passions, the expectations included in order to have it make sense.  Making a choices about medical interventions concerning cancer, about hospice vs. elder care facilities, about a love match vs. career advancement, these are things that objectivity can support, but in the end the equation is about care, about connection, about compassion…it’s subjective.

Working with the Akashics takes a balance of both.  To read your own book you need to be able to be objective about the answers you receive.  Because they are not like fortune cookies.  They can be in riddles, they can be puns, they can be like videos, they can be symbols, they can be cryptic as all get out or plain as day.  And they will always be the truth, which is many times not what we want and sometimes unpleasant.  On the other hand you need to be subjective.  Because the Akashics is not an oracle waiting to tell you wisdom that you need nor a parent hovering over you trying to guide your every move.  You need to want things, you need to feel connected with them, passionate about them, invest yourself in them, in order to communicate clearly in the Akashics and get answers to the questions you have about them.  So asking the small questions is great practice, but asking the big questions gets you the big answers, which are the best kind.

But there’s the rub.  How to be passionate about something and still objective about the answer.  It’s like being a dancer.  Being strong and yet flexible, being self directed and yet aware of everything and everyone around you and being responsive to others in the dance.  It takes effort, it takes practice, it means failing over and over again.  No one is a savant.  No one is so gifted that they can do it right every time.  But trying is worth it.  Because you get better with each try and what you learn from it is not just the answers you get in the Akashics, but is a skill that applies to your entire life.  And that kind of balance is worth a few initial missteps.