You know that someday when you’re going to do what you want for a change?  That someday when you’re going to get rid of all this shit?  The someday when you’re going to stop having to deal with all of this baggage you’ve carried around since you were a kid?

You know that someday when you’re going to start living the life you want to live?  When you’re going to make good choices for you and not care about what other people think or say?  You know, that someday when you get to be you for you and you can breathe?

Remember when you decided there would be a day you would no longer accept the leftovers of someone’s affections? When you would no longer bargain for the love you deserve?  When you wouldn’t be the after thought on the invite list?  When you wouldn’t have to negotiate past the excuses to get just a little consideration?

It’s someday.

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