Respect Your Divinity

  It’s true we teach people how to treat us by how we treat ourselves. But those actions also teach others how they should be treating themselves and so we become ripples in a pond moving ever outward. When our own divinity, our own precious light in this world, is the last thing on our…

Materialized Practice

There is a phrase which has stuck in my mind for decades: “So much hinted at in play never materialized in practice.” – Anne McCaffrey.  I think of it every time someone talks about their beliefs as something different than how they live. Many languages and cultures have no words or concepts for this type…

Restrictive Boundaries

I highly recommend and support having healthy boundaries. They proactively show people how to treat us so interactions are positive, help protect us when actions or choices are abusive, and foster trust within ourselves  and with others so we can unfold ourselves fully and participate with the world. But boundaries are not one size fits…

The Journey Within

My newest video meditation is now available. The journey within is a means for us to reunite our embodied soul with our higher self and bring that wisdom into this life so our minds can ground it and work with it, weaving it into our physical experience.  It’s a means to unfold our gifts, to…

Reward the Increments

One of the cruelest things about Christmas Day is we have built up months of excitement which is rewarded with a brief instant. Even the best explosion of presents often leaves people disappointed, not because they didn’t get what they wanted, but because the reward isn’t equal to the effort or the expectation. While “having…