Your Inner Truth Is Healing

While I have found that the truth can set you free, freedom isn’t always what we need. Nor is an intellectual understanding of what’s true.  So many people can wrap their minds around the truth and yet that does nothing to help them feel it or embody it, especially in the ways that would make…

Gentling Into a New Season

In the north it’s become fall and in the south it’s become spring, but in either case, yesterday was the day when the light and dark were even.  Ahhhh…the peace of balance…the pause where everything is in harmony and equal…the bliss of a moment between this and that…the complete havoc wrought by everything being upended…

Weave Your Path

We’re living in an information age. There is a symphony of data on almost everything an anything, with thousands of people bringing new things that haven’t even been thought of before into being each day. Among all that are authorities who want to help people live up to their potential, be successful, be happy, have…

Unreliable Narrators

In fiction there is often a narrator who gives us pertinent information we couldn’t glean from the actions of the moment, directs our attention in certain ways, acts as a tour guide to help us understand the bigger picture. We are meant to trust the narrator. The are an expert or authority in the context…

Stand Up To Yourself

As adults we make the rules we live by. We choose whether or not to pay the bills or pay for other things. We choose who to live with. We make decisions and choices from the available options on how and where to live. We make meaning out of what we see, experience, and interact…