Karma Is Not The Bad Guy

Most people from Western culture countries have a nominal understanding of Karma which simplifies it down to a check and balance system.  There seems to be no positive Karma in that there’s no way you can have so many positive Karma points that doing something negative is unremarkable.  Karma is seen as negative and something…


Every person is a tapestry. They are a combination of their own threads (thoughts, desires, goals, abilities, choices, actions, feelings, experiences, expectations…) woven together by the process of living which is thoroughly interwoven into the threads and fabrics of everyone they come in contact with in person, online and through a myriad other means.  Each…

Words Come After

Putting words to things is a way in which to manifest them. We know this because we all realize from a very early age that saying a thing out loud makes it real. We will avoid having to say the words for as long as possible in order to keep things from being final. At…

Your Inner Truth Is Healing

While I have found that the truth can set you free, freedom isn’t always what we need. Nor is an intellectual understanding of what’s true.  So many people can wrap their minds around the truth and yet that does nothing to help them feel it or embody it, especially in the ways that would make…

Gentling Into a New Season

In the north it’s become fall and in the south it’s become spring, but in either case, yesterday was the day when the light and dark were even.  Ahhhh…the peace of balance…the pause where everything is in harmony and equal…the bliss of a moment between this and that…the complete havoc wrought by everything being upended…