Culling What you Done Did

Ok, so looking back at 2012 can be a vision of woe seeing only what didn’t get done, what shouldn’t have been done, and all the failures that occurred or it can be a great way to check off the list of all the things you’ve achieved and a way to build the platform for…

Reviewing your 2012

It’s something we all do and I’m not sure why, but there you are.  We look back at the year that is ending, get out our favorite bludgeoning tool and start beating ourselves up for everything we didn’t get done, everything we should have done, everything we think we did wrong and everything we could…

Set Up the New Year

This year, let’s do something a little bit different.  Instead of proclaiming New Year’s resolutions that are so lofty they can’t be reached and setting ourselves up for failure, let’s set up the New Year right.  Let’s change the paradigm we’re using to think about 2013.  Because most people when thinking about the New Year…

Set Energy not Resolutions

The arbitrary end of the year is here.  I call it arbitrary because it doesn’t coincide with anything in nature or anything organically cultural, it’s just a date on the calendar that people celebrate at this point.  And a time when we set ourselves up to fail.  One of the many reasons I try to…

Christmas Eve

I hope that everyone travels safely, arrives at their destination with fanfare and rejoicing, is able to spend time with the ones they love, (yes that includes pets) and spends the evening doing something that brings them happiness and spreads joy into the world.  And thanks to NORAD for helping us keep track of that…

Peace of Mind at the Holidays

There are, to my mind, three kinds of Holiday celebrations: C-stressful, with weeks of angst and harried preparation, lots of forgotten things or things that just didn’t work out, blunders, regrets and not much time for celebration, B – family bustle that takes a bunch of effort but is worth it to have all the…

Happy Winter Solstice

Today is the shortest day of the year and tomorrow Winter begins and the return of the sun for those of us in the Northern hemisphere.  Winter is a time for turning inwards.  The hard work of harvest and storage is done.  The land sleeps and we can rest from all of our hard work…