Active Grounding

Getting grounded isn’t just something your parents did to you and it’s not just about sitting out on a rock being still or calming down.  Grounding is an active process, half of the equation for healers and spiritual practitioners.  Without it we get sick, or overwhelmed, dealing with a host of symptoms as we get…

It’s Always Like That

“No matter what I do, this always happens to me.  I just don’t get it!”  When someone says this to me I know it’s the queue to look at the pattern.  Yes, I commiserate because I’m human and I have/do/am experiencing the same type of stuckness and frustration.  I have lived through the “try everything”…

Practical Big

Dream Big! Take things one step at a time.  Separate things into small bits so they are manageable in the day-to-day.  Here what this is implying?  Dreams are BIG!  Things unconnected to reality can be grand and perfect and expansive and full of freedom.  The practical and the day-to-day is small because that’s all we…

Why Don’t I Fit In?

Yes, we should all accept our uniqueness, cherish our weirdness, ignore everyone else’s opinions and go down our own particular path.  I’m all for it.  But we’re not islands.  Most of us are not meant to be lone explorers venturing to parts unknown only to be heard from every 2-5 years.  We’re social beings and…

What’s Nagging You?

No one likes nagging and we get pretty tired of naggers as well.   As a tool in a relational, social, connection based society, nagging has a limited ROI (return on investment) with diminishing returns which, when things dip into the negative, have dire consequences.  All of which means that nagging works once in a great…

I don’t wanna

You know that saying “You always find the thing you’re looking for in the last place you look”?  Well it’s true…snarky, but true.  In that same vein, many of us struggle on and on in our lives, looking here-there-everywhere for an answer to why things are the way they are and what they can do…

Am I Too Late?

Each moment of our lives is unique.   Which makes them all the same, doesn’t it.  LOL……ahem…sorry…   The circumstances of each moment of our lives is made up of decisions and choices, experiences and circumstances. In the case of fossil fuels they would be measured in eons.  Once on circumstance passes it won’t ever be back…

What A Coincidence

Ever notice that, while a story being told has the entire universe to play out, the hero or heroine seems to come across that one thing that they need to save the day, that one thing that we saw earlier in the story.  That is just happens to be in the part of the universe…

Put the Plans Away

We have been taught that the best way to get things done constructively is to think things through, have a plan, be logical, be prepared, and be ready for anything like you would prepare for battle.  Well and good.  But that methodology isn’t one size fits all any more than a hammer is good for…

Ride The Wave

Part of what is becoming evident from people’s experiences so far is that this year of the horse is a thrill ride.  So here’s some of the wisdom that Horse is supplying:  Horse can move blazingly fast over shortish distances and flat ground, but our lives are rarely flat vistas with everything visible and laid…