Healing as a Process

Healing is a process and rarely a linear one.  Even with a scrape or a cut the process usually goes in a linear fashion from bleeding to healed over with new skin right up until something messes with the scab.  We scratch it, it gets snagged on something, somehow the scab comes off and we…

Find Your Calling In The Akashics

My new class is here!  Moving beyond soul books in the Akashics, Find Your Calling in the Akashics leads you to new areas of the Akashics and gives you access to one-on-one time with mentors who will help students explore their personal path and their goals for this life.    For those who have not worked…

New Class Publishes Tomorrow

I have a new class coming out through DailyOm.com tomorrow so I’m spending today getting everything ready.  This class will teach a means of accessing the Akashics similar to my classes on how to read your own soul book.  The difference isn’t in the how, but in the where.  This class will lead my students…

Happy Equinox

It’s officially the change of the seasons.  Today is the first day of fall in the northern hemisphere and winter is giving way to spring in the south.  And I could talk about the underlying metaphysical and spiritual meanings and message of this but instead I’d like to talk about the…overlying…prosaic….hmmmm….no…um…the mundane….nope…ok well let’s just…

Why Do They Talk Like That?

I remember a reading I had with a talented Akashic reader not only for the information I got, but for it being the first time I encountered Akashic beings speaking in weird ways.  In this case, when she worked to channel my guides, they spoke in a variation of Shakespearian English which was very difficult…

The Journey or The Ride

There are a couple of reasons why I refer to teachers, elders, and other beings in the Akashics as mentors rather than ascended masters or dimensional overlords or any other such designation.  For me this has to do with relationship and underlying reason for the interaction.  Many of the terms we use to refer to…

Research Into Reincarnation

Part and parcel with working in the Akashics are the topics of past lives and reincarnation.  Mostly I deal in reading those records for my clients and sometimes talking about the subjects on my blog or my emails but as I do research for my book project I run across all kinds of notations, theories,…

Cultural Empathy

In the second decade of the 21st century we’re a bit beyond the “OMG It’s all going to explode!” stage.  We’ve been there a few times already and the planet is still spinning. And we’ve gotten past they “I wonder what it will look like?” stage because we’re here and this is what it looks…