Good boundaries

Was talking with a friend of mine and after a while I realized that we kept coming back to the same theme over an over again.  Good Boundaries.   And then we’d give a deep soulful sigh.  Do you think that’s a sign that we’ve finally learned something? We talked about how difficult it can sometimes…

Akashic Soul Book

People who are seeking answers through spiritual means are most likely to be familiar with psychic readings, tarot readings, or astrology.  Many times they go to a reader and have no specific question in mind and just want to be told “what it wants to tell me”.  Sometimes this is because they are just interested…

The Akashics is a Place

Speaking about the Akashics is sometimes like the 7 blind men describing the elephant.  One says it’s a tree because he’s touching a leg, the other says it’s a snake because he’s touching the trunk, another that it’s stone because he’s touching the side, etc.  Each of us approaches the Akashics through our own filter…

Akashic Inspiration

Spending so much time working in the Akashics I sometimes lose sight of how beautiful it is and how it can make you pause in wonder.  I get fairly narrow focused on what I’m doing and when you become familiar with something you tend to block out the details as just part of the background. …

Learning from Events

People say that we need to undo the negative effects of the past so that we can move forward.  When I hear or read this my internal reaction is “WHAT????  Are you nuts?  Ever heard of forgetting the past meaning that we need to relive it?  Are you crazy?”  My external reaction is usually, “Huh?!!”. …

Structural Changes

Astrologically, in both Eastern and Western methodologies, the first quarter of 2012 is about restructuring.  The year of the Dragon is about dynamic change.  And lasting change always starts at the root or foundation, which means structure.  Now geologically that would mean earthquakes, huge weather, etc, etc.  However that isn’t what we’ve been seeing.  In…

Holding Space

When something drastic occurs to the people we love, the first thing we want to do is do something.  Well, the first thing we want to do is be able to do anything because shock shuts everything down.  Then once we are able to function a bit we want to make it not have happened. …

Where the path leads

Sometimes our paths are straight.  We graduate from High School, we get a job or goto college, and everything goes exactly as planned. Sometimes our paths are unexpected.  We meet someone and decide to go where there path leads.  We get a chance to travel somewhere and decide to stay.  We get a rare opportunity…

Happy Valentines Day

There are a lot of opinions out there on the subject, but to my mind, Valentines Day is about love.   The marketing and the hype trying to get it to be about romantic love and to sell us things so we can give things to significant others.  And I’m not opposed to that at all…

Back in the day

One of the more significant issues facing White Western cultures today is elder care.  It’s not that people didn’t become elderly before now.  It’s not that there are necessarily more of them becoming elderly than there were before, although that is due to start here relatively shortly due to the Baby Boomers.  I see two…