Going Within

I have always been frustrated by the hero’s journey as described by Joseph Campbell and by Greek mythology which seemed so out of touch with or misogynist about women and goddesses.  I never understood or had any connection with the Persephone myth.  It’s this really weird rape fantasy piece where she is the perfect and…

Go With The Grain

There is a difference between following along and choosing to go with. Following along allows someone or something else to be responsible for choosing where and how things go. Following can be relaxing or passive or just the easiest choice or even the lack of choice in any given situation.  Sometimes it’s the best option…

Let It Breathe

One of the things I love about wines is that they change. Each glass is like a flower opening.  It has one smell and taste when it’s poured, another as it warms, another as it mixes with the oxygen in the room and each tick of the clock changes it.  With certain reds you want…

Winter’s Fire

In the winter months, when things are dark and cold, we think of fire as life. It is the warmth that we snuggle into, the symbol of hearth and home, the physical manifestation of the connected and safe feeling we get from community in harmony, the mellow light by which we see the internal world.…

The Shell Game

It’s the year of the Red Fire Monkey.  Ever seen a monkey walk a straight line? Oh they might walk down a straightish branch, they might walk across a rope which is stretched straight. They will even take the straight line to get what they want. The thing is, what they want changes from moment…

Breathe In

We spend so much time breathing out.  Talking, planning, doing, making, going, waiting, getting….we breathe out and out and out and then wonder why we’re so depleted and can’t catch our breath. We can never seem to get caught up, never quite get on top of things, even now as we’re coming out of the…

Red Fire Monkey New Year

Out with the old, in with the new.  While western astrology is good at digging into the dynamics and details of an individual, I am drawn to Chinese astrology because it provides insights into periods of time and group dynamics. In particular it is great at pointing out the global energies that will influence each…

Resolution Punishments

95% of all New Year resolutions are punishments disguised as hopes.  We pick the things we don’t like about ourselves, the things we think are broken or bad, not up to par or holding us back, pick a punishment and then set out to implement it. You can tell when this is the case because…