Claim Yourself

Life requires us to prioritize.  These things over here are more important, those are time critical, this is necessary to make sure we have the necessities for survival, that will keep the peace, and all of this other stuff will just need to wait until we can get to it.  Because there’s only so much…

What’s Over There?

As a kid I was known as an adventurer.  Not the kind that got lost in the woods studying bugs and had to be found because she’d lost track of time and self, but the kind that could find an adventure anywhere she was and in any situation.  I enjoyed going down a road just…

Emotional Camouflage

It is a function of self preservation to want to hide the fact that we are vulnerable.  People get confused when their pets don’t show that they are sick or injured until things are pretty darn critical, but that’s animal instinct.  Being vulnerable gets you picked off by your peers or others higher or possibly…


Yes, we should all be islands knowing what we know and being able to self-actuate.  Blah-de-blah-de-blah….  Oh wait.  Maybe not.  Because that would me we were islands or robots or something less blissfully messy and magically interconnected than humans.  Why share when we are self-contained units that have no needs and can do it all…


We tend to think of things in the big picture, the large chunks, and ignore or negate the small things that make up the big picture.  Like the fact that it can take 10,000 hours to become a master of something.  That you didn’t start as a virtuoso, an expert, a part of a community,…

All That Matters

The debate over grace vs. good works is something that has intrigued me since I was a child.  It seemed to be an example of the dysfunction going on in my own home.  Lots of words being spoken about what should be and what is that didn’t match what was actually happening mixed with a…

Akashic Ice Cubes

“The Ain (Akasha) is limitless and timeless so that all that issues forth from its bosom does so without in any way diminishing its substance.  Actually, in a sense there is nothing outside of this condition, even that which we see and recognise as the physical universe is so only because the Ain has chosen…

Listening But Not Hearing

It’s a common refrain in drama and comedy, one person is talking and the other is listening, but not actually hearing what is going on with dramatic or comedic results.  Shakespeare is full of this stuff which is one of the reasons that his plays are still loved and relevant today. Because this stuff happens…

Self Sabotage

Self-sabotage is something I see a lot with my clients.  What’s interesting is they fear that it’s their way more than I actually see it happening, which is probably a good thing.  Awareness is the first step and alla that.  And for the most part it’s not conscious, not willful, but a reaction or a…

Prepping for Slayage Conference

So what does someone like me do when I want a vacation?  Go to an academic conference of course!  But not one that has anything to do with work.  That would be….work… So I’m going to the Slayage Conference in a little over a week and in preparation I’m reviewing Seasons 6,7 of Buffy and…