Fall colors are a process of Revelation

I love the colors of Fall.  The trees changing colors, sometimes so saturated that they seem to glow from within. Trees in a row up and down the street slowing changing from summer’s green to yellow and orange and red and rust and even reddish-purple.  And not just trees.  Some ivy’s also change color and…

Zombies eat their own brains

I love me a good Zombie story. Whether it’s a movie, a TV show, a book or a graphic novel, Zombies are awesome. There are even some good Zombie music videos out there, just check YouTube. 🙂 However, Zombies do exist in the real world and it’s something to keep an eye out for. Zombies…

Change your perceptions

What if your life were not a linear progression?  What if time and the next thing and the next thing and the next thing weren’t guiding factor of your life?  What would it look like?  Western culture teaches us the importance of time, the finiteness of life, and that everything is cause and effect in…

Extending Your Senses

There is an exercise I like to use with my students to help them understand physically what I mean by the limitations our culture has taught us.  It helps them become aware that they can do much more than they ever thought possible.  I call it “Extending Your Senses” and it’s completely safe to try…

Express yourself

I love October for so many reasons, but Halloween is definitely at the top of the list. I love decorating for it, I love the creativity of it, I love sharing ideas about food, decorations, costumes with people, and scary is delicious when it’s just for fun.  I decorate my front yard with headstones to…

Facets and Definitions

I always find it interesting when someone tells me, “I’ve never seen that side of you before”.  Or they say “My life is just such a bunch of contradictions”.  Our minds what to analyze and organize what it perceives into a system that makes sense so it can manage the chaos of all the input…


A trigger is something that just makes you absolutely crazy every time it appears or occurs.  It’s not due to something happening in the moment, but something that has happened before and that hasn’t been resolved.  Like an absolute gag reflex to even a mention of peppermint schnapps because you got drunk and threw up…

Don’t drive angry

“Don’t drive angry” is a phrase I keep on stand by not for use with road rage, because at this point it’s not something that can be avoided, it’s just something to be dealt with, like taxes.  What I mean by that is stop and calm down for a minute.  It’s good to be in…

How do others affect your life?

Do you recognize how much others affect your life?  That a chance encounter can set things spinning that affects you in the future?  We like to think about this when we are thinking about romance and good luck and the lottery.  That’s when the butterfly flapping its wings in China which causes the flowers to…