The Ties That Blind

I enjoy my neighbors on both sides of me for many reasons including the fact that they are good people and we all try to be good to each other.  With that said, I sometimes enjoy them because life can be funny.  One of my neighbors is a single Mom.  Her two youngest children are…

Is Your Head a Haunted House?

Ever noticed that certain things, actions, habits start an automatic script for you?  You smell a certain scent and it immediately brings up the same old memory of the same person told exactly the same way that you always remember them?  Or you see something and you instantly hear the voice of someone from your…

Goose & Bottle

I see a large number of people with Goose and Bottle problems.  They go around showing everyone the green bottle with the gosling in it and bewail the fact that the bottle is too priceless to break and the goose lays golden eggs and so can’t be harmed, but it can’t get out of the…

Suffering the Reverse

Part of my work is to listen to people’s stories. They think they are telling me the details of their lives, sorting through what is important and what is not, but what they are actually doing is telling me their stories.  Because if they were to tell me the facts it would be so dry…

Teaching Others To Read

Periodically I get requests from people for information on how to become certified in my method of reading the Akashic records.  They want to know how they can be a certified reader.  Most often they are looking for information on where I teach that online, what my certification requirements are, and how long it will…

Kabbalah Class Coming In October

For those who don’t already know, I’ll be publishing a new online class via in October which introduces people to Kabbalah in general and to the Tree of Life in-depth. It will give people a chance to work with the Tree directly within themselves and learn how to utilize its creative properties to manifest. …

Revel In Your Passions

The common phrase is “Indulge your passions.”  To me this is a bit condescending.  As if your passions were a pet you want to spoil, a child that deserves to be released from school work, or something you should feel guilty for but will do anyway. Such crap.  Our passions are sign posts pointing us…

Confrontation Comfort Zone

It takes all kinds, as they say.  I marvel, though, at those who generate negative experiences in their lives.  I’m not talking about addiction or co-dependence, no I’m referring to a specific type of person.  They remind me of Pigpen from the Charlie Brown cartoons, but instead of existing in a cloud of dirt which…

Glue Bottle Syndrome

We have certain categories of thieves, stereotypes if you will, that we like to put people in: Wall Street fraudster, poor/drug addict/street trash, and grifter.  We think of these people as “out there” in the world.  Other people have to deal with them, we don’t.  They are wonderful for crime procedurals, movies, and the occasional…

Where Does the Responsibility Land?

There’s a difference between excuses and choices and it’s in where the responsibility lands. An excuse explains to someone why the person is acting or not acting the way they are and places the responsibility on someone or something else.  A choice explains to someone why they made a decision to act one way or…