
In thinking about this year of the Horse, I tend to think about the spiritual beings associated with horses.  Epona is an ancient Celtic goddess originally from the region of Germany.  She symbolizes and embodies the interconnectivity/trust/love/family of the herd.  She was most often depicted with mares and foals and is thought to have been…

Time To Kick Up Our Heels

A Horse year is not only about passion, but also about fun.  Or having fun while being passionate.  Passionately fun?  Or is that funny? Well, it’s about running wild a bit.  In other years being creative meant getting still, listening to that inner guidance, figuring things out, then taking action.  Horses know better.  Horses do…

Passion Vs. Logic

This is the year of the Horse.  Specifically the year of the Wood Horse – of green and growing things, of earth energies and grounded realities. But it’s still Horse.  And Horses are about passion.  About feelings and reactions vs. logic and deeply thought out plans.  We love horses for their freedom and beauty in…

Happy New Year’s Eve

Chinese astrological years have a two year cycle:  inspiration and creativity, grunt work to make the inspiration arrive and the created thrive. 2012, the year of the Dragon, was a creativity year where people were inspired to dream big and go for it.  2013 has been the year of the snake.  Taking those soaring dreams…

Lighting The New Year

Winter Solstice brought the change in the season.  While it is Winter, it is also now the time when the light comes again.  The days becoming longer each time and there is  less darkness.  As we look at the new year and dream of what can be, we should also let our own light illuminate…

Dreaming the New Year

Before the New Year is upon us and before we start setting out intentions, it’s time to dream.  This weekend I think I’m going to take some time and start thinking.  What is possible with next year?  What do I want to co-create with my life?  What do I want to manifest in this coming…

The Week of R&R

No I do not mean Rest and Relaxation.  I’m glad for everyone who is getting to have that, but what I’m referring to are the post-Christmas R&R’s:  Returns and Regrets. Returns usually happen first because they just have to get done.  I mean who can live with that Chartreuse lampshade from Aunt Tildie or the…

Christmas Eve

Please be safe if you’re traveling.  Be careful about weather conditions, make sure you’re paying attention to the road instead of what you need to do or forgot to do, and that the children are only suitably bored and restless because if given enough reason they could plot something that might make traveling less-safe for…