Moment In Time

Something I hear from clients and friends and family is “I can’t ‘do some kind of skill or activity’ so I’m just giving up.  I’ll never ‘whatever it is’.”  And on the one hand I can understand.  Boundaries and appropriate expectations are good to have.  I’m pretty sure I won’t be an astronaut in this…

Spirituality is Not Somewhere Else

Western culture has taught us that spirituality, religion, belief, faith is something that is separate from daily experience.  There is secular life and then there is spiritual life.  And those who merge the two are notable for their ‘difference.’  Clergy of all faiths, those who dedicate themselves to a cause or way of living are…

Have You Talked To Them About It?

I grew up in a community where complaining and gossiping about others was a national pastime.  Small town, small school, plethora of churches with small congregations where there was as much daytime drama in real life as there was on TV.  Never a dull moment unless you found petty drama boring…  So one thing I’ve…

Deeper Understanding

There is theory and then there is practice.  What you think or the meaning that you make from what others think and express is different from what will actually come into being when you start doing or putting form on that thought.  Which is why there are lineages to Buddhism and Reiki, a rich tapestry…

Communication is more than Linear

When I was training to become a sign language interpreter one of the concepts that really struck me was the fact that to interpret you have separate the meaning from the words used so that you can put the meaning back out in another language.  And while you’re stripping out the meaning from the words,…

Shock Still

Finding out that someone you know has died creates a liminal moment.  Whether that person died after a long illness or through a sudden event like a car accident just the fact that they are no longer alive stops time.  It shocks us out of the metal, emotional, and physical routines we live by, jumps…

Channeling the Akashics

I’m still confused by what people mean by that.  Or by the vague, “I got this information in the Akashics.”  Well, from whom?  From where in the Akashics?  The Akashics is not a who, but a place, and it doesn’t spit out random bits of information to people who drop into a meditative state.  It’s…

Whole Heart or Half Ass

There is truth in the reality that taking that first step towards achieving something you’ve always wanted is better than not taking that step.  Exercise mavens chant this mantra all the time.  ‘Just move’, ‘get off the couch’, ‘any effort is a good start’….  But after that first effort it takes a bit more.  There…

Strip It All Down

We build our identities through our experiences and the meaning we make from them.  And we assume…we decide….that the meaning we have made out of those experiences are like gravity.  They are the absolute truth and can be depended on in every case.  But our experiences are limited, they are finite, they are influenced by…