The Forest Experience

Some things to consider about how we experience our world:  our primary sense is visual, we make meaning out of our world through what we see and use the other senses to augment this, and walking upright means we focus our eyes in front of us and downwards so we don’t fall over things.  Therefore,…

The First Forest

One of the places you can visit in the Akashics is the First Forest.  It is a vast place which spans every conceivable ecosystem of forest that we know and those that no longer exist here and others that have never existed here, but are possible or that are echos of other places.  It is…

The Complexities of Free Will

Free Will is the most amazing gift.  It allows us to have huge amounts of autonomy over our lives.  Even though there might be a plan for us and how we live our lives, we can choose to do something different or crazy or better or 90 degrees from that plan.  Which is part of…

Self-Limiting ‘I Know’

On the one hand ‘know thyself’ is the hardest thing to do in the world.  It’s not necessarily flattering, it challenges all of the avoidance/survival mechanisms we’ve acquired (business, denial, self-medication), and asks us to change our identity with which we have become comfortable if not happy.  However, it is one of THE best things…

3 Ways to Walk Your Path

A great deal of focus in the world of spirituality is focused on ‘finding your bliss’ or figuring out your path in this life.  Which is great and as it should be.  But what I have found over time is that there are three general ways in which one can walk their path. The first…

It’s Saturday

…why are you reading this?  Get outside and enjoy yourself! Ok, if you’re reading this while you’re outside enjoying yourself then fine.  Better if you’re in the shade enjoying an adult beverage while you read it, but maybe that’s just the mood I’m in today….because it’s Saturday… And in honor of the whole Saturday thing,…

How Spiritual Is Spiritual

At some point anyone who is seeking their spiritual path will meet at least one of these scenarios: The person who has THE newest or newly discovered/created spiritual practice that cures cancer, removes your karma, is the shortest path to peace and will remove war from the human experience if just everyone would do it.…

So You’ve Healed that Huh?

Doing Akashic readings is a joy to me and endlessly fascinating.  Every person is different, every story and direction is unique and where the go and how they choose to get there can be amazing and inspiring.  I especially like it when my client has done all the heavy lifting in this life and gets…

It’s In How You Ask The Question

Many times we either ask questions that are too general or too specific.  Asking if the person is the right person to be dating right now is probably too specific.  And you probably already know the answer.  And your guides are probably going *face palm*  Asking what type of people you should be dating, should…

Science and the Paradigm Shift

From Lynne McTaggart’s The Bond: How to Fix Your Falling-Down World.  Because if the assumptions about how DNA works, how mutations occur, how cells form and communicate, the structure of cells are all backwards or incomplete, then who are we really? “The new discoveries beg the unsettling question:  Where exactly do ‘you’ end and the…