It’s Important to Listen

All the advice, wisdom, guidance, destiny, paths, ancient texts, readings and messages are pretty much meaningless if you don’t listen to what they have to say.  I don’t mean blindly listen to anything and everything and then act on it like it’s the truth.  Just like the internet or tv, don’t believe everything you hear. …

It’s Not Just About Knowing

It’s not enough to know what the plan is.  You still have to take action.  It’s not enough to read your soul book in the Akashics and know who you are and what you chose to do this time around.  Knowing that won’t create a magic faery wand that blesses you with everything you need…

Acting Without Asking

What we think is best, right, good, valuable, or precious is not always similar to how other people see these things.  And this is one of the things that can hurt us the most.  It can be the most damaging to relationships, but not necessarily in the way you might think.  I mean, it’s obvious…

Wanting to Know Why

One of the most often asked questions presented to the Akashic records is “Why?”  Why did this happen?  Was it meant to happen?   Did I know it was going to happen?  What am I supposed to learn from this?  And there is a huge amount of emotional charge around this question because usually the issue…

In Person Classes Happening

I have some new classes I’ll be offering in May and June.  I’m adding some in person classes for this summer just to spice things up. May 29 – June 19, Wednesdays 6-7:30pm I’ll be holding a class on Honoring the Divine Masculine.  This will be exploring the changes in paradigm, both male and female,…

Underlying Motivations

Just because someone does something nice or does the right thing, doesn’t necessarily make it a good thing or make the outcome pleasant or appropriate.   On the surface things can seem one way, but the meaning underneath can be something completely different.   Take court testimony.  If you read a transcript, you get the facts, the…

Reading Beyond The Soul Book

When a new client books a reading with me, I send them a note confirming their phone number and asking what questions they have for the reading.  In the note I point out that this is to help me prep their soul book and any other documents we might need.  Which is intentionally vague because…

Looking Too Hard

One of the things that I find magical about reading people’s soul books in the Akashics is the notes that we leave for ourselves about this lifetime.  It can clarify soooo many things that are going on for us in this time.  Most people look at it as a means to find out where they…

Harmonize with Who You Are

There is magic that happens when you harmonize your thoughts and actions with your dreams.  If you pay attention, while you might at times experience doubt or anxiety or fear or sometimes all three at once, you will notice that over time, and relatively quickly, you will be experiencing excitement, joy, contentment, and a smile…

Power & The Divine Masculine

The mind is an amazing thing.  We use it to make meaning out of our experiences and then extrapolate from that meaning an understanding of things beyond our experience.  We imagine what could be possible and then set ourselves to discover if that is true, making more meaning, understanding the world just a bit more,…