Do something completely different

Having done it often in my life I tend to forget how many people don’t.  Which is I guess a way to keep my life full of surprises.  What do yo mean you haven’t gone on sabbatical/taken a pilgrimage/done a retreat/hiked in the wilderness/lived in silence for a week/volunteered for more than one day/traveled to…

Your body has other plans

Life is happening, you have hopes for what you will be doing these next few days, people need your presence, but your body has other plans.    There are things you would enjoy doing, things you would love to do, things that you need to do, but your body has other plans.  And you win the…

Marshmallow Dead People

I once had a very startling dream.  I was walking through a building, past people of all types, and as I came out of a hallway into a large room I saw that the people around me were what I ended up calling the marshmallow dead people.  They were nothing like Zombies.  They were living…

Seeing what we want to see

Once again I’ve been confronted by people who appear to be looking for an answer, but just see what they want to see.  It’s frustrating because you just want to tell them “Stop hitting yourself!  Stop hitting yourself!”.  It’s like they walk into a store expecting to find nothing colored blue.  The store’s name is…

Werewolves at the door

At some point in our lives everyone experiences this phenomena:  People who act like friends, like someone interested in the same goal or hobby or profession as you, someone who wants to spend time with you and be close to you.  And those things are all true and they walk their talk.  So what’s the…

What’s next?

If you’re stuck in “I have no idea what to do next?”  try doing something completely different.  I once worked in an office where there was an archway into the middle section of the space.  And a great majority of the time, when people walked through the archway they forgot what they had come there…

Phoning it in

It’s fair to say that most people do not enjoy the work they do.  Most subsist or do whatever it takes to survive.  It is a modern notion that the majority of people can have ‘fulfilling’ jobs.  And luckily we live in a world where there is the possibility of making that happen.  We can…

Removing the obstacles

There are obstacles in life that can’t be changed.  If you’re paraplegic, that’s and obstacle we haven’t figured out how to move yet.  There are a lot of tools that you can use to help you do more things and be less restricted, but the fact is that you won’t be running marathons and no…