Akasha – the most fundamental of the 5 elements

“Akasha…is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘ether’: all-pervasive space. Originally signifying ‘radiation’ or ‘brilliance,’ in Indian philosophy akasha was considered the first and most fundamental of the five elements – the others being vata (air), agni (fire), ap (water), and prithivi (earth). Akasha embraces the properties of all five elements: it is the womb from which…

The Akashics and Addiction

It has come to be commonly agreed that some people have “addictive personalities” which means that doctors and specialists in Western culture cannot find a cause/effect reason for a person to be addicted to a substance or activity. So basically there is no reason for you to smoke or drink heavily or eat too much,…

Past Lives

Your Soul book in the Akashics keeps a record of every incarnation  you have experienced and all the lessons, positive and discouraging, that you have learned or that you have not yet fully completed.  While ego boosting is is highly unlikely that you were Cleopatra or Caesar, Attila the Hun, or Alexander the Great.  Personally…

Akashics and Relationships

Many of us feel that we are seeking that ‘special someone’.  That person who will love us perfectly and unconditionally.  The person who will make everything make sense and change our feelings of loneliness to partnership.  And yet the people we bring into our lives are most definately NOT that.  Even worse, they are often…

Akashics – the Library of the Universe

“Akashic in Sanskrit means “space,” and Indian philosophy uses this term to describe a space representing a universal filing system that records every thought, word, and action in our lifetime. While people in trance may be influenced by a conscious memory of this well-known karmic term, more often than not in hypnosis, …subjects recalling spiritual…

The Akashics and Family issues

Families hand down a lot of things to us, not just how we look, but behaviors and attitudes, addictions and passions. If you struggle to understand why you don’t get along with your Mother, why your brother seems so amazingly ‘off’ from everyone else in your family, why your father has always been ‘eccentric’ or…

Ours Souls come from Love

“Souls are created in a positive matrix of such love and wisdom that when a soul starts to come to a planet like Earth and join the physical beings who have evolved from a primitive state, the violence is a shock. Humans have the raw, negative emotions of anger and hate as an outgrowth of…

The Akashic Experience Inspires Love

“The Akashic experience testifies that we are subtly yet effectively linked with each other, with nature, and with the cosmos. It inspires solidarity, love, empathy, and a sense of responsibility for each other and the environment. These are ineluctable elements of the mind-set we need to pull out of the global crisis that threatens our…

It’s all connected

“Knowing, or perhaps just feeling and intuiting, that we are connected to each other and to the world in more ways than through our senses is not really new: It’s as old as human culture and consciousness. Traditional, so-called primitive people knew that they were connected to each other and to the cosmos; they lived…