Meal or Condiment?

So when people are talking about self-care, it’s important to take in what they actually mean by that.  Not in what they are doing or how they are doing it. That’s as varied as the individual involved.  One size does not fit all, there’s no miracle activity that will make everyone universally happy, and “being…

Fact Checking

It’s not just for politicians.  When people are unaware of or unwilling to admit the truth of their motivations, they sometimes give answers to questions which seem plausible until looked at closely. Often we don’t even bother, we take them at their word until something causes us to pause and think twice. We see this…

I Don’t Want Anyone To Hurt

No one likes being the bad guy. The bearer of bad tidings is never going to win a popularity contest and people shoot the messenger. However, just like with everything else in life, relationships have a rhythm, a physics, which can’t be ignored.  No matter how much we try, things which start will eventually end. …

Incremental Progress

There are silver linings in things that catch you at the oddest moments. Being a goal driven person who tends to forget that her body has limitations, I have throughout my life made decisions to climb that hill, walk that trail, take those stairs and set of with every intention of just plowing through like…

Have To/Need To/Get To

Something I figured out a while ago is the categories I put things into in my head when I’m thinking about everything that could/should/would happen in that day.  Being a Capricorn I’m a list maker and so either the night before or in the morning of I’m making to-do list of everything to accomplish that…

Avoidance Engine

There are as many ways to avoid what we do not want to do as there are people.  The examples that come to mind the quickest are the enjoyable time wasters like social media, online games, TV and movies, or various hobbies we drop into so we can tune out. Then there are the more…

The Future Present

Written language allows us to freeze moments in time.  It creates history as a dead thing, static facts accreting like coral, the bones of the dead building structure for the living. Written language, recorded history changes our experience of the past, altering our perception of the now, and warping our relationship with the future. If…

Boundaries Vs. Ego

In the spiritual community it is not uncommon for someone to be called out for “being in their ego.” This phrase has its origins in psychotherapy all the way back to Freud and the various parts of the mind. It was necessary, neutral, and like many things in life, only caused negative ramifications when it…