Action and Reaction

Just because you’re doing something, maybe doing a lot of something, maybe desperately doing in order to resolve the situation, doesn’t mean that what you’re doing is working or will get you the result you need.  Sometimes bailing out the boat so you can get to shore makes sense.  Lots of work if you have…

Name That Myth

Names have power.  That’s why we are constantly attempting to label things, people, situations and pretty much anything.  Because names or labels are condensed information packets.  Names like “chair” or “car” or “house” have not only tons of generic information connected with them because they refer to categories of things, but they also have historical…

Future Lives

Everyone once in a while I’m asked about someone’s next embodied life. The life they will be leading after this one.   This startles me every single time because there is so much we need to do in this one, so little time to get it all done, so much to do and become and figure…

Reincarnation and Rudolf Steiner

I’ve added a new book to the reading list: An Introduction to Waldorf Education and Other Essays.  Seems weird to add a book that seems to be about the Waldorf school system into a reading list about the Akashics and yet it makes perfect sense. Rudolf Steiner, was not only the founder of the Waldorf…

Silence Is The Answer

People often ask me how to communicate more clearly with their guides.  For me the first thing to look for is what is keeping them from communicating with their guides.  Because it’s not a skill we have to learn or something we need to build like an antenna.  It’s a feature already built into us…

You Get What You Put In

It’s happened to me and periodically it happens to my students as well.  Working in the Akashics we see something, experience something that makes us take a step back.  Something happens that turns on our warning defense systems and tells us something is off kilter.  The trust starts to erode and we start looking for…

Beyond Self-Help

The latter half of the 20th century was informed by the notion of self-help.  By the idea that the answers to a good life were to be found through introspection.  Which turned out not to be the case for the most part.  I believe that it is an integral part of creating a good life,…

Unseen Aspects

Working with the Akashics teachings us things in a variety of ways.  Many times we are going there with a particular question or set of questions or a goal(s) in mind and we therefore expect that what we experience are focused on giving us information for those.  This can be great because it keeps us…

Where Decisions Get Made

Our culture focuses on logic and science and reproducible results.  Things that can be sensed and proven and depended on.  Well and good.  I’m all for it and find this incredibly useful and common sensical in most day-to-day activities.  Gravity works and alla that.  But this perspective can lead to an over emphasis on the…

Akashic Unity

I like to tell the story of one of my first Akashic experiences.  I didn’t know anything about the Akashics at the time nor did I know that we would be working with it.  I was with a group of students working with one of my Native teachers and we were doing a weekend workshop…