Looks Good On Paper

Ever had an exchange with someone over email or text where you completely misunderstood what was meant?  What is on paper loses something in translation and emoji and emoticons can’t quite make up for the emotional content which makes the intent and possibly the whole meaning mysterious and up to interpretation.  Sometimes this has hilarious…

Stop Processing

Being in process is the “finding myself” of the 21st Century.  Being in process, getting into the process, figuring out the process, following through on the process, seeing it for what it is, just letting it….Oh good grief!  Time to process the processing of your process elsewhere, please. The brain needs distance from events and…

Kabbalah Class Progress

For those who aren’t aware, I’m working on a new class for DailyOm.com.  It’s a Kabbalah 101 class focused on the Tree of Life, specifically on how this is a blueprint for manifestation.  The Tree of Life, like the Chakra system, is part of our bodies but describes in detail the steps on how we…

It’s Not Going To Make Itself

My mom wasn’t the best at explaining things or going into the details.  Not good with teaching much either unless you could “keep up” because she had a dozen things to do all at once and they all needed to get done and I needed to keep out of her way or get run over. …

I Thought I Was Done With That

It can be so frustrating. All the work, the struggle, the therapy, the digging and picking to find out the trigger, the specific event, to deal with the after effects, all the forgiving and healing and reclaiming of power…it’s so exhausting.  And after all that, years of it, dealing with the aftermath of the failed…

Meditation Is Not Enough

Let’s face it, there’s a bit of finger pointing out there when it comes to religions of the book and their tendency to be religious on specific days, Saturday/Sunday, and then go back to living however they want the rest of the time.  It’s one of the reasons why I like Feminist Reform Judaism and…

I’m Stuck

“I’m stuck” is the newest phrase tossed around in the spiritual community and elsewhere.  I say tossed around because, for the most part, it’s no longer being used to mean that the person has come to a point that they can’t get out of or that they need help because they are caught and unable…

You Know What Your Sin Is?

“Oh, Hell. I’m a fan of all seven.” – Malcolm Reynolds Serenity What if the sins enumerated in the Bible weren’t universal, but instead were formulated to describe a masculine perspective?  If so then they would describe the negative aspects of men, not necessarily of women.  I’ve found this concept fascinated for decades because it…

What’s that one thing???

People want to know what that one thing is that they are supposed to do.  That one thing that is going to make everything click.  That one thing that makes it all make sense, that gets rid of the nagging doubts, the unsatisfied feeling, the need to look for something more.  To which I say…

Emotional Body

We’re taught that emotions come from one place in the body kinda in the same way that we’re taught a heart is actually heart-shaped instead of this oval muscular organ.  Emotions supposedly “come from the heart” and yet that’s not where we actually feel them most of the time.  We feel heartbroken when we have…