I Need To Have A Win

There are things I have learned about myself and the gym which have completely changed our relationship for the better.  For years I thought it was me.  I was unmotivated, I had a bad attitude, I just wasn’t cut out for fitness, I just needed to work harder, I would get around to it when…

The Cup’s Completely Empty

We’re taught to get the work done first and then we can do what will make us happy.  You know, “Do your homework or you don’t get to go out and play.” It’s practical, it builds a good work ethic, it’s a virtue to be able to work hard and achieve, blah-blah-blah.  It’s true like…

Emotional Illiteracy

Many people have learned, due to difficult childhoods, dysfunctional families, highly competitive work environments or traumatic events that emotions are a vulnerability.  They are a weakness, a deadend that takes away time and energy from more productive pursuits, uncontrollable, never appropriate, and something to be rigidly controlled or avoided.  There are lots of ways to…

There Are Now Downloadable Versions

For several years now students have asked me if I could provide downloadable versions of the guided meditations included in my Find Your Soul Path Through the Akashics class at DailyOm.com.  So now I have.  You can find them on my store here: Meditations.  The cost is $4.00 for the entire set of 8 or…

Models for Transformation

When people think about transformations they think of caterpillars or butterflies.  That’s the romantic ideal that people really like.  That they live one life and then become something all together different, better, free, etc.  There’s so much symbolism in it and yet it also betrays our assumptions.  I mean, caterpillars are fabulous all on their…

World Peace or PBJ?

“Tell me what I need to live my best life?”  -Um…world peace or whirled peas….and a pbj sandwich.  Seriously.  Could the question be broader and therefore more useless?  It’s not that we shouldn’t be asking.  It’s not that we shouldn’t be seeking.  It’s that in the asking we don’t pay attention to what we’re actually…

The Magic of Priority

It’s amazing how much our priorities mandate how our days will play out.  Not just in what we do, but in how we do them, and how they create or detract from our quality of life.  Making ourselves the last in priority ranking guarantees that things will go against us. It’s not that the things…

It’s Not Enough To Say It

Relationships can be confusing.  So much is being said in so many ways: between the lines, meta message, spoken/unspoken/inferred, and physically. Plus we’re letting someone into our sacrosanct space where we are vulnerable which makes everything mean more, carry more weight, be freighted with meaning.  We are combining our entire world including all that goes…

Relationship Negotiation

Any relationship is full of negotiation. People point to compromise as a major component and there is that too, but if that’s all there was then relationships wouldn’t be positive or nurturing or even healthy.  They would be political and a means to control negative behaviors and consequences.  It would be two people in a…


Sins of omission. What gets left unsaid is just as telling as what is said. When we think of things left unsaid it’s either in a sad way, usually after someone has died or at the ending of a relationship we wish had gone a different way, or after an argument when all the witty…