Just Talk It Out

One of the most underrated ways in which to find an answer or figure out a problem is to talk it out.  Seriously.  The wisdom of the ages is something Pat Sajak says night after night on Wheel of Fortune: “Just talk it out…maybe the right answer will pop out.”  Most people, if they start…

And The Truth Is…

People are often confused because they can never resolve the issue.  They try and try, but nothing is good enough, right enough, appropriate enough…nothing is enough to resolve the issue for this one person in their life.  On top of that, when an issue actually gets resolved another issue shows up!  What gives?  Well, interestingly,…

It’s Cumulative

People talk about finding the path they should be on or the thing they should be doing like it’s one thing and when they find it the angels will all begin singing in unison, a shaft of light will fall on them and everything will become perfect in the new utopia.  Or something…sometimes their vision…

Are You Trustworthy?

So many people have trust issues.  Their bodies and their emotions can’t trust them.  They can’t be trusted to listen when the body needs something even when it signals so loud that the message is deafening.  At best there is benign neglect, but often there is also punishment.  Anything the body wants or needs its…

What Should I Do?

Lots of people are looking for that one job, that one career, that one practice or technique or skill that is their path and will make their life make sense.  It will give them purpose, bring them happiness, fill all the gaps in themselves and how they are living, bring them financial ease and basically…

Going Back Again

Remember that thing you used to do once upon a time?  You know the one.  The one that made you smile and that smile lasted for hours and hours afterwards.  The thing that had nothing to do with being productive or meeting a deadline or “getting things done.”  That thing that made you feel alive…

And This One Was Juuuuuussst Right.

Ever had that experience where you know what you want and you find variations of it, but they are never quite right?  Too hot, too cold, too big, too small, too loud, too quiet, too many people, too few people….just too, too, too!  It’s like living in the Goldilocks and the Three Bears story (minus…

Time To Be Creative

As a culture we’ve somehow gotten everything upside and backwards concerning being creative.  We focus on the product not the process.  We wonder if what we make will be good enough, will anyone like it, will it sell, am I just wasting my time….so many critical voices.  We get creativity all tangled up with merchandising…


Communicating live with a person is the original multimedia experience.  It’s not only about the vocalizations, it’s about body language, facial expressions, hand gestures, reference points in space, the environment…it’s a full body process.  To make it even richer we encode huge amounts of meaning into packets which we can then include by inference so…

With The Grain

If you’ve ever worked with wood or been around wood workers you’ll have heard “Go with the grain.”  If you want to make something smooth, sand with the grain (the lines in the wood).  If you sand against it you tear up the wood and just make a rough mess.  If you want to stain…