Essentials Are Not Self Care

It’s funny to me how skilled people can be at ignoring the obvious. Their lives can be in ruins all around them, their marriage functional only in name, career no longer anything but an exercise in futility and repeated self-abuse, personal life long ago sacrificed to perceived needs and defunct goals and yet they turn…

Cleaning Up Messes

Pretty much everyone, sometime in their life, has negotiated with Spirit in whatever manifestation they are connected with.  You know they “If you get me out of this I’ll do ______.”  We’re not actually pledging that, in fact rarely do we have any intention of doing it, but we’re trying to get attention of someone…


Have you ever noticed that Forgiveness is something that gets talked about in Hallmark card terminology?  It’s almost always something we should have or should practice, comes with graphics of flowers or butterflies, and promises to be the answer to issues where harm has been done.  It’s like making closure when there is no closure…

We Are Made of Fire

Many spiritual seekers are looking for that transformative experience. They want to find the practice that will unlock their talents, throw a spotlight on their path, show them the way to be who they truly are in the world. Instead of feeling worn out, cold, exhausted, constantly in movement, they want to find that still…

Passion Vs. Joy

All this striving to find our passions seems to have developed into a weird amalgam of soul mate and auction fever.  Our passion is come to represent “the one”.  It is the one thing that will define our lives, give us meaning, provide us with joy, make everything that has gone before it make sense,…

Change Is Inevitable

We came here to change. Usually we think of it in loftier terms such as becoming enlightened, growing, transcending, learning our lessons, even completing our karma so we can get off the wheel of Samsara.  Or we think of it as the inevitable loss of things due to age, illness, and our body’s expiration date. …

Happy Year of the Monkey

This year is going to be full of opportunities, synchronicities, possibilities, and dreams realized for everyone who welcomes creative change. Monkey years are times of new beginnings which happen quickly. Chances appear out of nowhere, fall into our lap, and kick us into high gear. Intuitive leaps surprise us, things we thought would be long…

Graceful Endings

Two things have stuck in my mind in a good way. They really help me to figure out what to do next or where I’m going wrong.  One is “Follow through.” Whether it’s a golf swing, bowling toss, tennis volley, or stroke in swimming, you only get the full benefit if you follow through. You…