Stop the Coddling

I believe that a great majority of the debate, the argument, the discussion, around women’s rights is being framed incorrectly.  Men are seen as empowered and fighting to control women and doing things to women or simply ignoring them.  However, it would seem that this is completely backwards.  Why would women need all this controlling…

Why can’t life be like Perry Mason?

I’ve been wondering, why can’t life be a bit more like Perry Mason? Every walk of life is living their wild and craziness in unfettered abandon, bumping into each other, messing with each other, scrabbling over each other to get the gold ring, basically normal everyday stuff, until someone crosses that line. Whammo! Badness happens…

Forgiveness or Truth

Carol Christ is one of the founding mothers of Women’s Spirituality and someone I highly respect and admire.  Since the 60’s she has taken her education in theology as well as her own experience of spirituality and her understanding of the world and the Universe as a woman and woven a new way to experience…

Being Earthy

I have always struggled, or been frustrated, with the ascetic life.  Being a spiritual person, having studied many different cultures and spiritualities, studied with elders  and teachers, I come back to the same question I had when I was a little girl.  Why come here to this place if you don’t want to be here? …

Your own jailer

Over the past couple of weeks I have noticed something interesting.  Kind of like having a friend that is pregnant and then noticing pregnant women everywhere.  You know they were there before, you just weren’t tuned in.  What I’ve been noticing lately is people limiting their success.  It’s not about abilities, it’s not about talent…

Akashic Dream Part II

From Only Love is Real by Brian Weiss, M.D.  This is an excerpt from a session he had with a patient. It relates part of a dream that she had and one of the only dreams she had remembered in her adult life.  It relates an experience in the Akashics. “Was that the end of…

Akashic Dream

From Only Love is Real by Brian Weiss, M.D.  This is an excerpt from a session he had with a patient. It relates part of a dream that she had and one of the only dreams she had remembered in her adult life.  It relates an experience in the Akashic Library with her Soul Book…

Value your time

You are a valuable resource.  You have a lot to give to the world in general and those you love in particular.  Which should include yourself, btw.  So what you do with your time each day matters.  Not to be big brother about it, but it’s something to think about. When asked what you did…

Forgetting more than we knew

It’s such a weird dichotomy, but it seems to be true.  At the same time that our brains record every single thing that happens to us, everything sense, everything we’re told, everything we learn or imagine, we forget it and focus on what we deem relevant in the moment.  We don’t focus on the furniture…

It’s about what we do

It’s not about what companies do or our government does or what the people in power do, it’s about what we do.  I remember watching a show and a woman being interviewed looked into the camera and said “Where is away?  When we throw things ‘away’ where do they go?  There is no such place…