The Disappointments

My life is busy.  Anyone that knows me will tell you the same and call that an understatement.  There are a bazillion things I love to do and I try to fit them all in, plus the things that are good for me, plus there’s all the things about my Spirituality that call me and…


Everyone has it at some point in their life.  It can be over an interview for a job, going on a first date, bungee jumping, meeting someone who is important to you, skiing downhill, speaking in public, swimming….you name it, it can cause anxiety.  Which is not necessarily a bad thing.  Anxiety pumps us up,…

Knowing what you want

I have a friend that’s amazing at this.  She just knows what she wants.  And she can tell you all about it.  All the details are in her head and they change from moment to moment and they sometimes conflict with each other and like a flock of peacocks they all vie for attention as…

Have a little Joy

You would not believe how allergic to joy or even happiness some people are.  I’m constantly amazed by this because, don’t we all want to be happy?  Lord knows I do and therefore I put my energy into doing things and being around people and in situations that support my souls purpose and the happiness…

Why did this happen to me?

Human beings look for patterns and for meaning in everything. This is our means of being safe since we don’t have claws or amazingly sharp teeth, incredible speed or bulk to keep us out of harms way.  We need to understand why even if it’s just at the level of “why is the remote now…

The Tantrum Factor

As children a theme in our life is about authority, access, and power over.  Having access to a room in the house so I can call it my own, power over siblings, having authority to make the choice of what to eat or what to do any given day…which all sounds so malevolent, but really…

Out of the Blue

I’m pretty sure every one of us has experienced this:  Life is going along normally, everything seems to be in its rightful place, we’re thinking about the normal things to worry about and to expect, then *WHAM*.  Something happens that completely changes everything and you never saw it coming.  You get hit broadside by another…

More than the day-to-day

It is easy to let our lives become about the day-to-day.  About getting from here to there, coordinating schedules, keeping track of people and things in our lives, and let all of that dictate how we live our lives.  Let alone other’s expectations of us, the responsibilities we have to jobs, associations, family, etc.  Our…

Trust Yourself

Our culture pounds into us the counter intuitive lessons that only our 5 senses count as a way to navigate the world, that only logic will help you through life, that doing what’s expected and what everyone else does will make you happy, that agreeing with what others think and do will make you happy…I…