*Pssssst* They’re Everywhere….

It’s kinda cracking me up.  As we enter into this year of the Goat I’m starting to see goat themed things in the media. Got this advertisement for a concert by the Mountain Goats. And then there’s the We365 app with their provide a goat challenge. Of course giving goats to families in poverty stricken…

I Did What?

What’s exciting about this year is the mix of practical with emotions.  If we choose to let go of the old narratives we’ve been living we can use what we gained and what we learned in 2014 to move forward in the life we want to have.  In fact, the great thing about a goat…

Follow The Signs

Most of the time we look at our emotions as in the way.  They interrupt our plans, confuse us when we have things all figured out, point out inconvenient truths we are very strenuously ignoring, and all around bug the crap out of us.  So many people are out there trying to will them away,…

Wrapping Up Loose Ends

When we get into the beginning of a year we’re somewhat geared up to think that new things are starting, that new projects and challenges are forming, that we’re getting a fresh new start on things.  What we don’t take into account is that with any new anything, there’s a bunch of prep work that…

Think Bigger

We’re still in the beginning of the year and there are a lot of us who are still recovering or hung over from all the emotional things that happened last year.  Year of the goat, thankfully, is not an explosive year of impactful events, thank goodness, but a time for long-term planning, really meaningful progress…

My Label Reads…

I hear from clients, students and even friends that they know they are like this sometimes or tend to that a lot or need to work on such and so *deep sigh*.  Then comes the fork in the conversation that can go in one of three ways: “but” – I’m not dealing with that right…

One Is Silver and the Other Gold

There is a huge bias in the spiritual community towards soul groups, soul mates, and having known people for many previous lifetimes.  We all want to be appreciated, to feel connected, to be unconditionally loved, to be approved of and to have relationships which are alive and active and easy.  No one likes to work…


from The Thirteen Petalled Rose by Adin Steinsaltz There is another and deeper problem: that of self-delusion. Just as people sometimes delude themselves that they are “in love,” so can they believe that they are praying, that they are having a religious experience, even though it is only a false spirituality. A person may think…

Spiritual Ageism

I get asked a lot about old souls and new/young souls.  People are told they are old, that they are new, that someone they know is old or new and then they want to know what that means.  The hard part for me is that it means a whole lot and a whole lot of…

White Eyes

By Mary Oliver In winter     all the singing is in          the tops of the trees              where the wind-bird with its white eyes     shoves and pushes          among the branches.              Like any of us he wants to go to sleep,     but he’s restless—          he has an idea,              and slowly it unfolds…