New Year Resolutions

Ok, it’s 2012.  So are you making New Year resolutions or not?  I mean, if the world is ending next December, how does that change your perspective?  I say that a bit tongue in cheek because I don’ t think there will be a grand finale then and if there is I’ll admit I’m wrong,…


It’s exciting to think of all that is possible in a the new year that’s coming. Tonight is about celebrating all that is yet to be and that can be with the optimism and hope that it will all be bright, beautiful, and better than this year has been. But while we’re doing that, let’s…

Endings and Beginnings

So Christmas is over.  And now the Christmas hangover begins.  Leftovers, leftover relatives, returning gifts, wincing at the bank statement, putting away all the decorations, deciding if you’re taking down the Christmas lights or not, you know the drill.  And getting ready to watch the year change from 2011 to 2012.  And while all that…

Christmas Eve

Today is such dichotomy. Either you are at your destination and so have shaken off all the cares and worries of the world and are settled in for enjoyment of the holiday or you are freaking out trying to get all the last-minute minutia done before you run out of time.  Or you have run…

Christmas Traveling

Patience.  That’s the best thing I can recommend at this point.  Unless you’re driving out of a metropolitan area between 1am and 4am there will be traffic and you will be in the middle of it (physics and statistics not withstanding.  This is a magical season, after all).  So be patient.  I know that they…

This is just one moment

Ok, so your back hurts, your wrist hurts, you’re tired, you’re harried, you’re hectic, you’re frustrated… get the picture. Just remember, this is just one moment in time.  When it all feels like it’s crashing down on you and you are at your wit’s end, this is jut one moment in time.  There will be…

Winter Solstice

I enjoy observing the Winter Solstice as a way to mark the changing of the year.  For me it’s the shortest day of the year and for my friends in the Southern Hemisphere it’s the longest.  So officially, from today onwards, the days get longer and there is more and more light to be enjoyed. …


We think of greedy people as wrong and bad and possibly evil.  We see them as hurting others to get what they want, disregarding everything in their path.  We have images of them as twisted and angry looking, hunched over with eyes that bore through you trying to get to what they want.  However greed…

What about me?

Christmas time is supposed to be about love and giving and coming together and sharing and…well you get the idea.  And it is.  But it is also a time when a spot light is shown on those situations where that is not the case.  When everyone is supposed to be happy and hanging out with…

Silver Linings

There comes a point where you are grasping at straws.  When you know there are things to be grateful for, but you are just so beaten down, and rightfully so, that you have moved beyond the ability to voice gratitude.  When you get past the, “Wow, I survived it” and you look at the aftermath…