
Playing with echoes can be fun if the call and the repeat are significantly separate from each other.  You know, you say a thing and then there’s a beat before the repeat comes back.  In fact cartoons use this all the time, having the character say something and expect it to be repeated but the…

The Fix Is In

Ever flinched when someone said they were just a born to help people and were constantly having to help this person or that?  Along with the flinch there’s a face, either a squinched trying not to do an eye roll even though you want to or the blank “non-expression” face that is hiding the startled…

Beyond Boundaries

People make structure out of chaos.  That’s what our highly developed brains are supposed to do.  It’s our one weapon for survival in this dangerous place we call home.  We have no fur to keep us warm when temperatures drop, we are slow-moving, we have no defensive weapons, we basically have our brains, opposable thumbs,…

You Don’t Have To Explain Yourself

One of the biggest blocks to setting boundaries with people is that we don’t want to get into a discussion about “Why?”  Many times the whole point of the boundary is to limit certain interactions, but setting the boundary provokes the interaction we don’t want to have.  What’s worse is the “Why?” questions around things…

And The Wheel Turns

In the north it’s become fall and in the south it’s become spring, but in either case, yesterday was the day when the light and dark were even.  Ahhhh…the peace of balance…the pause where everything is in harmony and equal…the bliss of a moment between this and that…the complete havoc wrought by everything being upended…

The Doing Habit

People get stuck in the on position.  If they aren’t moving things forward, making things go, getting somewhere, achieving something, or transitioning from this to that, then their world is off kilter and they start looking for ways to fix it.  There is no rhythm to their lives, just a constant go and go and…

And Now For The Application

It’s funny how many times I’ll find myself saying “Don’t do what I did, do what I say.”  I laugh as I say it because I have at times been the poster child for doing things exactly the wrong way.  I’m intimate with the phrase, “I’m ok!  I meant to do that!”  Yeah, shake it…

Nag, Nag, Nag

There are times when a nagging feeling just won’t go away.  Sometimes it’s about a situation that just doesn’t feel right.  On paper it seems just fine, logically everything should be good, but there is this nagging feeling, this warning that is going off and won’t quite stop.  Other times it’s about a person.  What…

Color It In

Too many people construct a life out of defined lines, stark contrasts, and things boxed into place.  Bills and work and family and the constant barrage of expectations all come together to build a life that is more manufactured and processed than the take out food that gets them through their day because they have…

Sorting & Sifting

In order to have space for the things you want to do and be in life, you have to say no.  There’s no way around it.  While you are living this resplendent embodied life you are finite. You are a finite resource and so must choose what you spend your energy doing and being.  That…