
So far it has been a day of surprising tears for me.  Happy tears, mind you, but still. First, I was eating breakfast and doing the morning business routine when the news flashed across my screen: SCOTUS made gay marriage the law of the land in the US.  Being a citizen of the US and…

Pieces Out of Order

It’s something we’ve all experienced at one time or another.  Netflix sends us the 2nd and 3rd DVD in the series, but the 3rd one arrives first.  We have to wait until the 2nd one arrives so we can watch them in order.  Or not.  Sometimes rebellion is fun.  LOL  Sometimes we order a book…

Just The Way It Is

Just because a person knows there is an issue or that they have an issue…just because they know that how they behave is causing problems or that there is something they are just not getting, it doesn’t always follow that they will work to resolve it.  I mean, how many times have we said, “I…

The Boogeyman

When we become adults we let go of childish things. I’m not talking about becoming an adult thereby giving up the things you love and enjoy and even cherish.  I would lose my Geek Card if I even intimated that.  So I’m not….gorramit! What I’m talking about are the stories we make up to fill…

Bad Thing or Good Thing?

In spiritual circles being ill is looked at as a bad thing.  It means something is wrong, we’re off balance, there is dis-ease and we need to be checking what the heck is going on.  Which is all true.  Even in the spiritual community we have to work against hundreds of years of enculturation and…

My Heart’s Desire

Hearts are very private things. What we feel in them is unseen and unheard by the outside world.  For others to perceive them we have to wear them on our sleeve or offer them to someone else and even then we’re only creating a window for them to be viewed.  They are a castle that…

I Can’t Have It

People come to me dragging, depressed, and dispirited but with that little spark of hope left that lets them ask, “What am I supposed to be doing?”  When I ask them what they want to be doing they usually tell me “I don’t know what I want.”   And in the moment they really mean it. …

Thanks, Bob. I got it.

We’re taught to think things through.  To be logical.  To consider all the options and choose what’s best to do from those options.  It’s practical and will keep us on the straight and narrow right?  Well, not always.  Too often people allow the logical side of their nature lead in things, which it really isn’t…

Be What You Want

Clients talk to me on a regular basis about wanting a relationship or wondering when the relationship they want is going to happen.  You know, “Where is my soul mate and when are they going to get here?” 85% of the time the answer is that it will happen when it happens but mostly when…