The past informs the future

We get conflicting messages about our personal past.  “Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it”.  “Let bygones be bygones”.  “Forgive and forget.  Relieve and regret”.  “Keep moving forward and don’t live in the past”.  It can leave you feeling whiplash.  Is what happened to me before relevant?  Do I just forget everything and…

Are you happy to be alive?

I went to visit my father, yesterday.  He’s in a care facility about 2 hours from my home so it’s a fairly easy drive. The facility is amazing and he is getting fantastic care from happy staff who like their jobs and have enough staff on hand to do the job well. They actually enjoy…

Soul Journeys

Every soul has its own path that it walks.  Each has a unique affinity, a style, a way of being in the Universe that is its own.  Some are similar, others complimentary, many harmonize, balance, or support each other.  And most work for the best possible good for themselves and all around them.  But my…

Choices and responsibilities

It is easy to make choices when all you are responsible for is yourself.  You look at your needs and goals, make choices to get them met in the best way possible weighing all the pros and cons or not as you choose and the outcome is on you regardless of what happens. But when…


Everything is interconnected.  Practitioners of Chinese medicine and holistic healing have known this for millennia.  Native American healers have work with these principles today to help people understand that the symptoms can only be cured when you find the actual issue and work to cure that.  Otherwise you are trying to hold back the surf…

Fear is worse than the reality

We are the most creative beings ever.  We create alternate worlds in our own minds where things happen, people interact, and the world turns completely differently from our experience in our bodies.  Which is an amazing tool for spinning dreams and creating goals, for surviving terrifying and abusive or even deadly situations, and for making…

Don’t just do something, stand there.

So the common quote is “Don’t just stand there, do something.”  Which has a lot of merit.  If you haven’t taken any steps to get what you want in life or something is chronic and you’ve been complaining about it for a long time, do something, anything, interpretive dance, for goodness sake, and things will…

Soul Challenges

In working with clients I spend quite a bit of time helping them unlearn the logic that the world has taught them.  You know, the stuff everyone knows, the common wisdom you learn from school, the things the media drums into our head, etc, etc.  And while science has done amazing things for us and…