Fall into each other

Fall is the gathering time.  Gathering in of crops, gathering in of ideas, gathering all the lost bits and pieces that got strewn around during the play of Summer, gathering our wits to deal with everything that begins again in fall like school, work, projects, and plans.  But fall is also the time of gathering…

Beyond Boundaries

People make structure out of chaos.  That’s what our highly developed brains are supposed to do.  It’s our one weapon for survival in this dangerous place we call home.  We have no fur to keep us warm when temperatures drop, we are slow-moving, we have no defensive weapons, we basically have our brains, opposable thumbs,…

Each soul is unique

Every human being is a soul living an embodied life.  I personally do not ascribe to the belief that we live this life in order to try to remember and return to our Spiritual state, constantly failing a little less each time until we reach perfection.  To me this seems like a type of torture…

Follow your heart

Ever experienced a time when you were doing something and you realized that you forgot about time all together and you had a smile on your face you know you’ve had for a while now and you are just totally enthralled in what you are doing?  That’s how I define ‘joy’.  Most people think of…

Those who serve

Most days there is plenty enough to do to get through the day.  Work and groceries and cooking and hobbies and family and the list goes on and on.  Between trying to be who we are or figure out who we are and trying to be what others need us to be or who we…

Less is more

To say my life is busy would be an understatement of grandiose proportions.  I’m a whirling dervish whose body at this point is waving the white flag and starting to give me signals that stress reduction is required “now!”.  I struggle with this issue every day, which in the short-term is stressful (irony) but is…

Tiger by the Tail

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone where they are upset or frustrated with a situation and spent quite a bit telling you about it.  So you comment back that there are things they can try to resolve it and they look shocked or stunned and immediately explain that there is no way…

The past informs the future

We get conflicting messages about our personal past.  “Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it”.  “Let bygones be bygones”.  “Forgive and forget.  Relieve and regret”.  “Keep moving forward and don’t live in the past”.  It can leave you feeling whiplash.  Is what happened to me before relevant?  Do I just forget everything and…

Are you happy to be alive?

I went to visit my father, yesterday.  He’s in a care facility about 2 hours from my home so it’s a fairly easy drive. The facility is amazing and he is getting fantastic care from happy staff who like their jobs and have enough staff on hand to do the job well. They actually enjoy…