Trust issues

Everyone has trust issues.  We are taught from a very young age not to trust ourselves.  Parenting has become about scheduling, activities, ‘getting it right’ so that futures are bright, and having all the right things.  So many times I’ve seen babies so immersed in toys and objects that they cry just from the over…

You know what makes you happy

It’s not the addictive substances or activities we use to medicate the pain away.  It’s the things that we’ve been taught don’t matter – sitting in the sunlight, crafting for no other purpose than just because you feel like it, going for a walk somewhere you’ve never been.  Why do those things if there’s no…

What are addictions?

Addictions are medicine.  Something inside us feels bad.  Rarely is this physical.  Addictions actually hurt the body and cause it to react negatively.  Addictions are medicine for emotions, fear, sadness, loneliness, despair, anxiety, and hopelessness to name a few.  Using the addictive substance or activity alleviates those feelings momentarily.  It puts us into a physical…

What to do with addictions

Addictions are a difficult subject because the knee jerk reaction is to say, well just stop doing *addiction* and everything will be resolved. But if it were that simple then they wouldn’t be addictions, would they. They would just be habits or quirks of character that no one would worry about much and would go…

It’s hard to ask for help

It’s hard to ask for help. We’d rather do things ourselves because it’s easier, even if it isn’t better. Asking for help opens us up for criticism. It opens us up to “why?”, to other’s opinions. And when you need help you can feel vulnerable and the last thing you want to do is defend…

What’s your secret dream?

Have you ever had a dream of being something or doing something that made your heart sing and brought a smile to your face if you ever thought of it? Something so off the wall or crazy or completely radical and impractical that you couldn’t tell a soul? Haven’t we all? Let’s be honest. 🙂…

Sometimes it’s just nice to feel loved

Everyone searches for that combination of people and circumstances and things which will bring back that feeling of unconditional love. Some of us experience it as children if we have loving families, but as we mature we learn that families are people too and while we may be loved unconditionally, that love still comes from…