Success Should Sink In

During this transformation year of the Snake, it’s not just fear that we have to learn to respect and work with, but with success.  Part of the self-identity that we hold so dear is the part that says we will be successful ‘someday’.  Anything that suggests that is changing or has already changed, we ignore…

Fear as a teacher

There is so much out there right now about ignoring your fears, releasing them, powering through them, not letting them hold you back, etc, etc.  But what about actually listening to them?  Fear is a warning sign that something is going on that you need to attend to.  It’s not some external warning system trying…

New Moon in January

So, this is the first New Moon of our Snake year.  The months cycle through moving inward, from Full Moon to New Moon, and cycling outward from New Moon to Full Moon.  We’ve been introspective since the Holidays and that makes sense.  We’ve been figuring out what last year meant, what happened and why, going…

Talk It Out

I enjoy working with clients (and friends and family for that matter) on the issues that are really troubling them.  Not that I have a magic wand that can fix things or that I’m some all powerful being that has all the answers.  Wouldn’t that be amazing and boring?  I mean, everything would become “So…

When Is Later Now?

I bumped into some friends of mine at the pub the other day and had an unexpected and delightful conversation with them for a couple of hours.  We just sat and got caught up with each other, but the fun part is that this past year has been amazing for all of us in that…

Just Say No to Perfectionism

We don’t usually judge our friends or acquaintances or peers because they need help with something or don’t know something or aren’t perfect at doing something.  At least not the first hundred times.  🙂  After 100 we tend to get judgmental but I think it might be warranted in some cases.  However, most people are…

Liking the Truth

I’ve been thinking about mirrors.  Mirrors as metaphor, people as mirrors, mirrors as the enemy of all women, mirrors as an indicator that our vision is incredibly skewed, etc, etc.  I use the concept of mirrors in working with my clients that are overly sensitive to the perspectives, opinions, and actions of others.  I have…

Going Within – A Female Journey

I have always been frustrated by the hero’s journey as described by Joseph Campbell and by Greek mythology which seemed so out of touch with or misogynist about women and goddesses.  I never understood or had any connection with the Persephone myth.  It’s this really weird rape fantasy piece where she is the perfect and…

2013 – Entering The Unknown

Many cultures see snake symbology as fire, the element that succinctly changes something from one form into another.  It changes complex, multifunctional, crafted items into base components in moments, alters the sense of separateness into one of forced unity through deconstruction, and threatens our sense of control and what we know to be unalterable truths…

2013 – Organic Change

2013 – the year of the water snake – can also be translated into Tarot terms as the Death card.  This is not a literal death, although it can be for those who are ready to make the final transition from this life back into spirit.  It is actually a very natural process of transformation.…