If you were a deity

If you were a deity, which one would you be and why?  Would you be one because of their specific X-men type powers and what you could do with them, seemingly without consequences?  Would you choose one because you want more of what they represent in your life?  Would you be Nordic, Native American, or…


“But of bliss and glad life there is little to be said, before it ends; as works fair and wonderful, while still they endure for eyes to see, are their own record, and only when they are in peril or broken for ever do they pass into song.”  J. R. R. Tolkien The Silmarillion

Get Grounded

Dancers know that you are not getting anything one or going anywhere if you aren’t paying attention to your feet.  For most people, circus acts and Cirqe not withstanding, our feet are the way we get around in the world.  They support us, they motivate us, and they allow us to wear beautiful shoes. 🙂…


Sleep is a magic thing that I don’t think we have enough gratitude for.  Our bodies use the time we are sleeping to do major processing.  We replenish our tissues, soothe our nervous system, manufacture new fluids and chemicals in order to recharge our organs, focus on healing areas that have become damaged such as…


It’s difficult to wait for what you want.  We’re taught that with enough money you can get anything you want right now.  No why pay attention to anything for any length of time?  And more is better, right?  Well all of that applies to commodities or things, but the world is not just commodities and…


It’s always surprising to me that with all the physical limitations there are are in the world, geography, time, resources, that what hampers us most often is the limits we have in our own minds.  How often have you heard someone grip about not being able to do something or get something and when you…


There is no way we can actually know the reasons why someone does something, unless they tell us.  And even then they may not be able to fully verbalize why they are doing something.  Usually we assume they are doing it because they want to for one reason or another.  Because they need the money,…

Thanksgiving is a time for stories

Christmas time has so many stories you could have a video library just for them and double if you go for both the Christian and the secular side of things.  Frosty and Rudolph hanging out with the baby Jesus and all.  But Thanksgiving is for stories as well. Just not the kind that become cultural…

Merchandising the Holidays

Let the advertising begin.  It’s now November 7 and already the ads for Christmas are playing on all channels and all stores are putting up their holiday displays.  Most stores have moved most thanksgiving items except for food prep, out of the stores.  I mean,who needs that when Christmas is the money-maker.  And that’s what…

Eyes in the back of your head

I have a friend with an ever surprising way of looking at the world.  She’s a visual thinker and she sees everything in 3-d in a way most people don’t.  She doesn’t live in the past or really the future, she is all about the ‘now’ and how things work, how they interact, and how…