Weighing the Responsibilities

Lots of people feel that they are chained to their responsibilities.  They can’t do this because of work.  They can’t do that because of their family.  They can’t do the other because of their pets needs.  They put so much of themselves into their responsibilities and then feel depleted and frustrated and bleak because they…

You’re Not Wearing a Meat Suit

We are all spiritual beings living an embodied life.  These bodies that we are in are neither a natural form for us to exist in nor a symbolic emanation of our spiritual selves.  They are not a meat suit we are wearing over our true selves nor are they meat cars we are driving around…

A New Bottom Line

When we think about setting a new bottom line we think about it in context of having a ‘discussion’ with someone.  We are “drawing a line in the sand”, “taking a stand”, or clarifying our boundaries, perhaps for the first time.  It’s usually because we feel that they’ve been violated by someone and we need…

I’m a Leaf On the Wind

Too much of anything is usually a bad thing and everything can be taken out of context and therefore make a hash of things.  Being overly flexible can be a liability.  It can leave you twisted into shapes you aren’t meant to be in or make you into a doormat for others instead of leading…

Internal Logic

Sometimes the logical way to do things, the prioritized, makes everything make sense, gets it all done method of life just doesn’t cut it.  Sometimes we just have to do things in our own order, in a way that feels right vs. making sense.  We may not have words for why, it’s just the way…

Blame vs. Responsibility

People confuse blame and responsibility all the time.  Blame is what we use when we are emotionally charged about something.  It’s the word that comes to mind when we are angry or hurt or aggrieved over something.  We want something done about the situation. We want our feelings to change.  We want things to move…

Not Enough Credit

People don’t give themselves enough credit.  They focus on themselves, listening to their inner guidance, pay attention to their conscience, take action to bring their lives into harmony with all that, start moving towards making their dreams a reality and then they ask, “So, you think I’m on the right track?  Is this what I’m…

Preconception Deception

Clients sometimes come to me with preconceptions of what is causing them distress and what will resolve the issue.  They come to me wanting validation of these preconceptions and the identities they’ve built for themselves validated.  They can be desperate for this, in fact, as if it’s a lifeline to a drowning person and that…

Apocalyptic Thinking

We sometimes think that all or nothing thinking is the purview of the young.  That only the teens and 20 somethings see the world in black or white and make all or nothing decisions.  But apocalyptic thinking comes in all age groups, seeing only one way out happens to all of us at some point,…

Flexible Strength

There are plenty of ancient sayings about this, about bending so you won’t break and so on.  It’s true.  But people focus on the bendy part and not so much on the strength.  As if we’re all amazingly strong and persevere through anything and the problem is to look up from all this strength we’re…