Lost Coping Skills

Mercury Retrograde. PMS. Midlife Crisis. Menopause. These are just some of the examples of when we feel lost, that things go spinning out of control, there are crashes and explosions, it seems like people become the worst of themselves, things get ripped away, our mouth cops can shut down completely, and people turn into aliens…

When Your Truth Is Not Your Truth

One of the things that abuse survivors have to deal with is warping of their fundamental sense of reality. For children who had abusive families, whatever form that took, one of the mainstays of that abuse is to be told that black is white and white is black.  They are told that what they see…

Like Magnets

There’s an art to figuring out what you really want.  Most people think that it’s a science and it’s logical and so their left brain gets involved and things go something like this: A) Feeling that something is missing or not quite right. General dissatisfaction or nagging feeling. B) Logic brain states that we don’t…

Yep, Still Year of the Goat

Just in case anyone had forgotten, I ran across an article that just made me laugh.  I had to check it out and it’s true: Amazon rents goats.  Yes, you can submit a request for goats to come and manicure your property.  A professional goat loaner will contact for details and with pricing info. In…

Berserker Healing

There is a common factor that every warrior knows about themselves and others.  It is so ingrained that we think of it almost as a force of nature.  It’s the need for self-preservation.  People may talk about giving 100% of themselves to a project or activity, but what they actually mean is they are giving…

You Can Stop ‘Splainin

It’s funny how people feel the need to explain why they have spent the day the way they have.  I’m not talking about those who are bragging while trying to seem not to brag.  Bleh.  No I mean your every day person who decides to explain why they did something other than work hard and…

Dig In

A really common question is “So how do I make a living at it?”  You know, this thing you like to do as a hobby or this idea of something you think you might like to do, or this idea that you have which you haven’t tried yet…that.  How does someone build a sustainable business…

Stop Self Identifying with Not

When I was in undergrad my friends and I had many deep discussions about religion and beliefs.  Also about coffee and what was in that mystery punch and if we’d ever have peach schnaps after that one night….anyway we would talk about what tradition we were raised in or not, if we still believed in…

I Just Can’t Even

This morning a young man opened fire in a classroom at Umpqua Community College.  This is 3 hours south of me in the town of Roseburg, Oregon.  If you haven’t seen news coverage of this yet you will.  13 students are dead, they still haven’t tallied up all the wounded although several were life flighted…


Getting grounded isn’t just something your parents did to you and it’s not just about sitting out on a rock being still or calming down.  Grounding is an active process, half of the equation for healers and spiritual practitioners.  Without it we get sick, or overwhelmed, dealing with a host of symptoms as we get…