Defining Ourselves

To some this might be a contradiction in terms.  Some people live their lives defined by events, by structural and societal norms and expectations, and through the lens of ‘this is meant to be because this is what happens’.  Some might see this as an overwhelming and daunting task that continues lifelong and can never…

Objective and Subjective

There are times when it is best to be objective about something.  Which means to set aside any wishes or desires you have about the outcome, anything you have personally invested in it, and think of it as a logic problem or like math.  Or go into child-mind or no-mind and look at the events…

Akashic Records

I have written a great deal about people’s Akashic Records or their Soul Books and you can find this information accumulated in one place in my free e-book, The Akashics, Soul Books, and the Soul.  However, its summer and I thought it might be good to do a quick recap of the essentials.  So in…

Akashic Experiences

Because we are humans, bipedal beings who rely on intelligence rather than strength or speed for our survival and well being, and because we are taught in our culture that we are the top of the food chain and made in the image of the supreme being, we assume that anything on ‘the other side’…

There’s Life Beyond This?

I was having a conversation with someone recently, talking about the Akashics, when they asked, “How much of our lives are about this?”  I wasn’t quite sure what they meant, but after a bit of questioning it became clear they were talking about this embodied life.  So the question was, how much of our true…

Looking At The Ancient Texts

Humans have known about the Akashics forever.  Lately I’ve been exploring those references to see how others have perceived it, how they apply that knowledge to their spirituality and mythology and how it informs their practice.  It’s interesting to see the wide range of cultures that have retained written texts on the subject. In Buddhism…

Everyone Can Access The Akashics

Now in the Twenty-First Century the Akashics are no longer for the few, but are open to everyone who seeks to find the answers to their questions and to act on what they find.  In fact, what most people don’t know is that they have always been open to everyone.  Every living human being accesses…

Akashic Meditation

In the Akashics there are any number of ways to discover things about yourself and your life only one of which is reading from your Soul Book.  In my online class Find Your Soul Purpose Through The Akashics I teach a number of them including meeting your animal guide, going to a place which is…

Be Seen

We are by nature social creatures.  We’re not meant to live in isolation.  But what does that actually mean in the 21st century?  Where being social can mean being online in a MMORPG or on a social networking site of which there are a massive variety?  Or on cell phones and smart phones?  Where being…