You are evidence of what you believe

Ever heard “Words are just words” or “Actions speak louder than words”?  While words have power, our actions show our beliefs and our intent even if we don’t know consciously what they are saying.  Choosing over and over to stay home and watch other people live their lives says that you’re not good enough and…

Feeding Ourselves

Have you noticed that when you are really into doing something, you can forget time altogether, not feel hungry, and when you’re done you still feel great?  And when you are bored or unhappy or feeling stuck all you can think about is food? Feeding ourselves is not just about our bodies, in fact many…

Give yourself permission

A friend of mine was at my house and we were talking clothes. Yep, I’m female and sometimes I’m a cliché. 🙂 But I was stunned when she turned to me and said “Your life is so much fun. Look at all of this!”. Now, I enjoy my life, don’t get me wrong, but the…

Reward the work

Society so applauds competition that it creates competitive concepts within itself.  It makes additive behavior seem and feel like a reward and makes rewards look like self-indulgent behavior.  It makes self-sacrifice and hard work for others seem virtuous even, or specifically, when it is damaging to you and makes it feel like doing anything for…

Taking that first step

Have you ever wanted something but felt overwhelmed by how much work it would take to get it?  Has it felt impossible to get from there to here?  That’s common.  We are, after all, only one person living in one moment at a time and most things that we want require a lot of moments…

Big Dreaming

So if you were to dream big, what would that look like?  Would it be a new to you car?  A new car?  Would it be that new dress you have wanted for a while even through you have nowhere to wear it?  Would it be to travel somewhere you’ve never been for long enough…

Dream Big

We tend to talk and think in extremes.  Either we look at things as impossible and so limit the scope of whatever we might choose to make it ‘manageable’ and ‘see if anything comes of it’ or we know its impossible and so we think of the biggest, over the top variation of what we…