Say It Out Loud

Those in the self-help and psychology professions will tell you that you are more likely to follow through on something if you say your intention out loud or tell it to another person.  And in my experience this is true.  Words have power and communicating your intent forms it in a fashion into a reality…

Pain is motivational

There is so much in our consciousness at this point about medication and medicating.  Arguments and politics about healthcare, mis and dis information about home remedies, traditional medicines, ancient medical practices, pharmaceuticals, trade marks, rights, profits, generics, insurance and just plain common sense which is no longer common. Medicating what is wrong, fixing it, seeing…

Call & Response

Our lives are a conversation between ourselves and everything else.  Between us and the Universe there is this Marco/Polo going on of us saying “I am this” and the Universe responding “Yes you are”.  And it says “I am this”.  And you react to it because ‘yes, it is’….. But what if you change the…

Some Kiss We Want

“Some Kiss We Want”  From Rumi: The Book of Love translated by Coleman Barks There is some kiss we want with our whole lives, the touch of spirit on the body. Seawater begs the pearl to break its shell. And the lily, how passionately it needs some wild darling! At night, I open the window…


Media, movies, TV, novels focus on passion as something having to do with lust and the body.  It’s an overused theme from romance novels and chick flicks.  We want it in our lives but we are also subtly influenced to believe that it doesn’t really exist.  That’s why they write those novels, right?  It’s all…

The Warped Mirror

In the past few years medicine and psychology have begun to recognize the fact that some people see themselves as if they are looking into a fun house mirror.  Most of us in Western society have been taught to be critical about our physicality and over the past 50 years or so to seek an…

Recurring Issues

I once had a friend who was bothered by a recurring dream.  The issue was pretty clear and they had been told by several people what it seemed to mean and everyone was in agreement.  And this person would nod and go “ahhhh” as if it made perfect sense, then go ahead and just keep…

Listen to your Body’s Wisdom

5 day work weeks with two days to rest. Play dates and school functions and work functions and friends. Yard work and housework and home repairs and honey do’s. Our lives are bounded by responsibilities and expectations.  What used to be fun has become just another tick mark on a long to-do list that never…

We hold ourselves back

I know from experience what it is like to be held back because you want something, but you and others have told yourself that it isn’t possible. I can list chapter and verse on all the obstacles, the limitations, the time constraints, the probabilities of failure and error. It will just never happy so be…

Sacred Spaces

Sacred Space is any place where people go to reconnect and interact with the Divine, however they define Divinity.  This can be a physical interaction such as Yoga or Tai Chi or Qi Gong which brings the body into harmony with the mind and emotions and Spirit. Or it can be meditation which brings the…