Sacred Space – Here and There

Like many things in our lives we have a very us/them relationship with Sacred Space.  For the most part we see it as other than us, residing in buildings specifically designed to create and contain it such as churches, existing in nature such as awe inspiring mountains, water falls, rivers, or canyons, and forming temporarily…

Right Brain Opposite Land

Our left brain seeks to make meaning out of the world around us including our personal experiences of it.  Many times it weighs these experiences the same as physical laws such as gravity, so if something has always happened to you in the past, just like objects always having to fall to earth, this something…

Change Happens

People speak about change in two very contradictory ways.  One puts people in the role of victim.  “You can’t stop change from happening.  You are born, you grow old, then you die.”  Which, while true, misses some key facts along the way such as our bodies constantly repairing themselves, sluffing off old cells and building…

It’s a Two Way Street

It’s funny to me how we tend to think of things as going only one way.  Such as the external world doing things to us, but us having hardly any impact on the external world.  It’s like we’re a leaf being blown around by the wind and we can’t see that we may be creating…

Awkward Teenage Moments

There are a few things that most everyone agrees on.  Taxes are no fun and no one likes paying them.  The Dentist may be a fun person, but going to the dentist office is never going to be a fun event.  And our teenage years are something that we never want to revisit.  In fact,…

Self Care

As adults a great part of our life is about the limited amount of time and energy we have in each day and how we choose or don’t choose to use it.  Many years ago I took a management class which was mainly fluff and incredibly basic, but there was one gem that I have…

Seeing Blindly

There is definitely a line between focusing on a goal, and focusing so tightly on what we want that we are unable to see what is right in front of you.  It’s good to work towards something and to focus on that enough to be able to accomplish it.  But if that is all you…

Manifesting Isn’t Wish Fulfillment

So much has been written about manifesting.  I don’t usually weigh in because people have become habituated to thinking that it’s about thinking and control.  You are controlling your destiny, the world around you, just by your thoughts.  Which just makes my mind boggle.  Because if our thoughts manifested things so easily then children’s lives…

There is a Roadmap for your Life

The last section of all soul books is the Life Roadmap.  It works with the Embodied Life Record and the Relationship Map to gather all the information about that current life and plot out all the opportunities available, from conception to the grave, as “if/then” statements, meaning that “if” this choice is made “then” this…