Drop That Baggage

Easier said than done.  As adults we pick up or accept baggage through all kinds of relationships.  Friends, co-workers, management, groups and associations, hell even the book club can be a mine field of baggage just waiting for us to claim it.  But as adults we can figure that out, work through it, get rid…

How To Deal With Grief

Stop. When you come into contact with grief, stop.  Stop whatever you are doing, stop the chatter inside your head, stop the automatic pilot that is guiding you through your day.  Just stop. Once you’ve stopped, direct your attention to the source of the grief.  To the husband trying valiantly to hold his family together…

Actions Vs. Actions

“Actions speak louder than words.”  At some point in our lives we’ve all heard this.  It comes up in all kinds of contexts.   It shows up most pointedly in politics but it’s a common place issue between people who have authority and/or power and those who are affected by authority and/or power.  Because it’s not…

Honoring Veterans

My people have been warriors since our first memory of existence.  Because of this we have an understanding of what it does not only to the person, but to the community when a warrior goes into battle.  Being a warrior is a sacrifice. It means not only leaving behind everyone and everything you care about,…

Follow Your Heart

Ever experience a time when you’re doing something and you realize you’ve forgotten about time all together? Have you found you have a smile on your face that’s been there for a while now and you are just totally enthralled in what you are doing?  That’s how I define ‘joy’.  Most people think of ‘joy’…

It’s In How You Say It

“Speak your truth” isn’t a new concept.  It’s ancient, but it became popular in the 60’s and 70’s and now is so common that it’s almost too trite for a FaceBook meme.  It’s become so trite that it almost has no meaning.  Everyone things they know what that means and yet we seem to mean…

Interrelated Living

“While we can control how we respond to what happens to us, we can’t control everything that happens to us.  We are all too interconnected, both with each other and our environment–life is too wonderfully complex–for a statement like ‘you create your own reality’ to be simply true.  A belief that I control or create…

All Ways Have Wisdom

“I don’t care what you believe.  Just Believe IT.” – Shepherd Book “Serenity” It doesn’t matter to me what religion you practice, what spirituality you espouse, what philosophy you are working through.  I find them all interesting in one way or another and all of them have wisdom to share.  As long as you’re not…

On The Road

Traveling cross country to provide a private wisdom retreat.  Hoping to be able to continue regular blog posts once I get there, but if not, now you know why. Have a great day.  I’m going to sit back and listen to the wisdom of the flight crew and read about the Akashics…

More on Mermaids

For those taking Find Your Calling In The Akashics this will be interesting information that you can add to your understanding of and interactions with Selene. New discoveries about Mermaids and Greece Carol Christ (pronounced like Christmas and not like the Savior) is one of the founders of the Women’s Spirituality movement.  She is a…