Is it courage or cowardice?

Something has happened that has hurt you to the core.  Someone who is close to you, someone you care about and who cares about you, or you suppose cares about you, has done something that has hurt you so much that you can’t think about anything else.  It’s like a knife you’ve been stabbed with…

Embodied Souls and Free Will

We have been taught, throughout millennia, that beings, angels, spirits, and higher powers watch over us, peering down on us from some other plane or walk with us physically monitoring our every move.  And this is partially true.  We are monitored by our teachers and support team very closely.  But it is rarely done on…

Sacred Places

So many times when people talk about sacred places what they mean are buildings or the remains of buildings or structures that human beings have made.  Usually for the purpose of connecting with the sacred or so we assume depending on the age of the structure.  We can’t really know with things like the Serpent…

Finding your Path

Many people are feeling that they are being called, that they have a sacred/spiritual calling and they are hearing that the time is now to start walking that path.  But what is it?  Some people know in general but don’t know how to get to the specifics, some people know it is something spiritual but…

Paths in the Akashics

There seem to be three different ways in which people experience the Akashics. Meeting up with a guide/angel/higher being to be told some information/wisdom/lesson, wandering through a building/city/temple/garden that is fantastic like Wonderland but uninhabited, or going directly to some ‘dimension’ where things are so completely different from what we understand life to be, and…

A Little Piece of the Akashics

A bit of the Akashics on Earth Much of my work with the Akashics and what I teach to my students is reconnecting with the Akashics by going there.  Through my energetic work with clients and guided meditations with students I journey to the Akashics and reexperience life there.  However, the goal of my work…

What do you want?

No one has everything they want.  Not only is that true, but its the fodder of movies, books, tv shows, politics, business, religion and so much more.  It doesn’t matter how many things you have, how much money you have, or how much success.  It doesn’t matter if you have been given everything you ever…

Sacred Spaces in Nature

Being Native American I know my perspective on sacred space is a bit different from the norm, but I’m still surprised by how many people think that Sacred Space is about buildings and man-made structures.  I went looking for examples of sacred outdoor space and found a whole book purporting to be about that, but…