New Year’s Eve

It is the end of the year of the Horse and it’s been a wild ride for everyone, it would seem. Some have had a great time, some have survived horrible journey’s, and most of us have had a mixture of highs and lows that have left us a bit breathless.  As the wheel turns…

I Don’t Know What I Want

Yes you do.  Recently my clients have been saying that they don’t know what direction their life should go because they don’t know what they want out of life.  Then they proceed to tell me exactly what they want in life.  :/  The disconnect seems to be that they aren’t seeing these two things as…

Celebrate Life

Life is to be lived and if you’re not enjoying it you’re doing it wrong…or something.  Yes, life is short and each day we should have at least one thing that makes us smile just because, more if we can get them.  No reason to wait until some mythical later because later never really comes…

What’s Missing

Lots of us are motivated by what we don’t have.  We spend huge amounts of time and effort trying to fill in the cracks, trying to get to that satisfied feeling of “enough” and finding that certain someone what fulfills us or fills in the place where we need something because there’s longing…. It’s a…

Doing What You Know

So many people get to a point where they know what it is they’re supposed to be doing or being.  They “get it”, they have an “aha!” moment, they figure things out and have a whole new lease on life. That’s great!!! Ok, but then what?  Because knowing something doesn’t mean squat if you don’t…

One Last Thing

It’s Christmas Eve and it seems to be a rule of the Universe as we know it that there will always be one last thing we’ve forgotten or that hasn’t gotten done.  The malls will be full with people getting that last-minute shopping done.  In a minute I’ll be headed out the door to get…

I Need To Let That Go

In my field I’m constantly amused by the fact that those who need to let go of things/habits/assumptions cling to them with a death grip while swilling denial by the gallon and claiming that everything is fine.  Those who do all the releasing and letting go and purifying practices are the ones who don’t need…

So About That Weight Gain…

Feasting (ahem…overindulging…ahem) is a large part of the holiday season.  When done right it’s a delightful way in which to feel pampered and special, to celebrate and congregate, to share good times and make things merry.  Taken to excess…well…it becomes excessive.  Besides the not so hilarious holiday stories, the gastric distress, and the possible hangover…