Whose Narrative Is It?

Our lives are built out of the stories we tell.  The stories we tell each other, the ones we tell ourselves, and the ones our souls whisper to us late at night when they can get a word in edgewise.  Our dreams are just the stories our soul and our guides and our inner wisdom…

The Amount Matters

Sometimes trying just a little to see if you like it makes sense.  Just a little of the brussel sprouts or one chocolate scorpion will give you a good idea.  But it can’t get you past the psyched out, wired up pitch you’ve put yourself in so you can actually experience the tastes and textures…

And Then What Happens?

Stories are written with a definitive beginning/middle/end.  We want to know the whole thing, we want to feel the outcome, to hear that settling and confirming last note.  Some of the most controversial episodes of Law & Order were the ones where you didn’t know the verdict at the end.  Like listening to a scale…


I’m a fan of John Scalzi and of his blog, http://whatever.scalzi.com/  He’s an intelligent writer with a sense of humor I appreciate.  What’s better is that he writes with a great deal of common sense and, most of the time, having thought about the topic beforehand.  *gasp*  Not everything he writes professionally or on his blog…

Why Don’t I Fit In?

Something that’s become a theme lately in my practice is people having issues with fitting in.  It’s a common enough thing, we’ve all been through it in childhood, specifically in the teen years, and it echoes throughout our adult lives off and on.  But the interesting thing recently is people misunderstanding why they don’t fit…

For All The Wrong Reasons

People say “Follow your heart.  It will never lead you astray.”  To which I respond with three words “Romeo & Juliet.”  Feeling drawn to do something, feeling that it is necessary to do right now, that it’s significant in some way is definitely something we should be giving our undivided attention.  However, this is not…

Influencing the Outcome

Our brains are more powerful than we realize in any given moment. They make decisions about what and isn’t reality, what will or won’t work, what is and isn’t possible, and, most especially, how things Have to get done in order to achieve some goal.  And all without necessarily accessing any empirical data at all…

There’s Beauty In The Balance

It can be a heady thing when we start walking our path, making choices to do what’s right, exploring what we are capable of.  It’s amazing to feel the happiness flow freely and things fall into place when we start doing what’s been in our heart all along.  It’s energizing to get to do and…

I’m Working On Gratitude

“I don’t know what else to do or what next step to take so I’m working on gratitude for…”  So many memes about gratitude out there, so little time.  And yet, I hear over and over from people who no matter how much they work on being grateful, it doesn’t resolve their issues, doesn’t unstick…

Getting The Same Result

People ask me “what am I doing wrong?” and “what’s the lesson in this because it keeps happening?” which is a good place to start in looking at any given issue.  And sometimes there is a lesson and sometimes there is something being done wrong, but not always.  Sometimes what they are doing isn’t wrong,…