Who Said That?

Every notice that some people are like those dolls with the recordings in them?  You know, the one with the button in the back that you push and they say things?  Sometimes funny things, sometimes cute things, sometimes sarcastic things…  My favorite has always been the Silent Bob action figure.  It was (is?) about 12″…

Knowing What You Know

How do you know when you’ve found yourself?  That’s the snide question that people ask those who are “trying to find themselves.”  It’s a valid question, snide as it is.  How do you know?  Let’s put it another way.  How much seeking do you need to do until you decide to act on what you’ve…

Motivational Stories

When we think of motivational stories or speakers we think of the things that inspire us.  The memes and quotes and anecdotes which get us fired up or at least make us feel better about our day.  And for most people these are like sparkling stars in the night sky.  They are the exceptions to…

Missed Connections

If we’re doing it right our lives are a tapestry of interconnections.  “Everything’s connected” and alla that.  Being connected means that our actions affect not only us but others in big and small and every size in between ways and not everyone is going to like the effects of our actions. The easiest way to…

Stop Digging the Hole

Taking responsibility for the results of our actions, our attitudes, our perspectives and our behaviors is necessary for good health and healthy relationships.  Of course, life wouldn’t be half as fun or irony filled if we did that on a consistent basis.  I mean, what would sitcoms be about if we were all healthy and…

Why Is Nothing Working?

For some people it can feel like absolutely everything that can go wrong is going wrong and the world is conspiring against them and they go looking for that magic thing either within them or outside of them that is the key to turn it all around.  Because there must be something and they just…

Hold Off On the Conclusions

“Unthinkably good things can happen even late in the game.” – Under the Tuscan Sun Our left brain is all about finding the meaning, categorizing, fitting things into patterns, etc. and because that’s what it does, it does it ad in finitum which can be a detriment.  That’s where snap judgements stem from and absolutist…

In The In Between

Ever notice that we don’t step right on the doorway into a room or a building?  We step from this space to that space without actually touching the door frame.  Sometimes we lean on the door frame to talk with someone or wait to get someone’s attention (*cough* teenagers *cough*) but even then if you…

Now What Do I Do?

So what do you do when you’ve done everything you can think of and the issue is still there?  When you’ve asked for guidance and keep getting the same indecipherable answer, when you’ve tried everything that is logical, unlogical, inspired and desperate, and nothing makes a dent, when the movement you get is so infinitesimal…