Balance, baby!

It’s officially Spring.  Today is the Spring Equinox which is the day when the amount of daylight is exactly the same as the amount of darkness.  It’s the turning of the tide where things will now become more light filled, colors will spring forth and soon there will be procreation and an explosion of cute…

Self Hate

There Is Nothing Wrong With You by Cheri Huber is one of the best books I’ve ever read.  It’s very simple but profound in the most down to earth way.  And I came across it in the most random way.  An internationally known dance instructor was using it in class as a way for dancers…

Vulnerability is the key to joy

I just discovered Brené Brown and her talks on Ted. She is a researcher who has spent a decade researching Shame and Vulnerability.  Her conclusions and her insights are wonderful and eye-opening and I really appreciate her candor.  She points to vulnerability as the courage to be authentic in the face of judgement and disconnection.  Her…

Good must have an opposite?

I was raised to believe that everything has an opposite.  Good and evil, democrat and republican, young and old, death and taxes….oh wait…no that’s another subject entirely.  Anywhoo….throughout my childhood I saw the negative way using opposites, or black and white thinking, could do.  If a person did something it was either a good thing…

Preparing to Spring

Spring Equinox is just a few days away and world around me seems to be in that ferment of wrapping up all the loose ends while prepping for the new stage that is coming.  There was snow a couple of days ago, I’ve driven through hail, we’ve had torrential rain for the past two days,…

Fear of loss

Throughout my life I have been taught to fear loss.  Losing things that are costly to replace, losing the ability to do something, losing my innocence, losing God’s love, you name it, it can be lost in a heartbeat and never be regained.  And some of that is true.  Life can’t be given back if…

Asking for help

So many people have difficulty with asking for help for one reason or another.  Which, to my mind, is somewhat sad. It’s one thing to not get help when you need it and are asking for it, but it’s another to not ask for it or accept it when it is offered, which are two…

DailyOm class coming soon

For several months I have been working on creating a class for DailyOm that teaches the uninitiated how to reach the Akashic realm and how to read the record of their soul there.  I have finally finished the eighth and final lesson.  Yay!!  I hope to be putting the class into their system this coming…

What holds you back?

What holds you back from doing the things you really want to do?  Everyone longs to do something, even if its parents who just need to get out for a few hours to see a movie.  What is it that you want to do? What is holding you back from doing it?  I often hear,…

Eve Ensler is Over It

Eve Ensler is a Tony award willing playwright known for her most famous work, the Vagina Monologues.  I saw this a few weeks ago and I appreciate  her frustration and agree with her message.  The original statement is here   Eve Ensler: I am over this rape culture where the privileged with political and…