Men In A Changing Paradigm

I was in a conversation recently where a peer, out of the blue, stated in ringing tones that men were active beings and women were passive, receptive, emotional, artistic things.  I had to work not to let my jaw drop in public.  Are you kidding me?  In all of my life, I don’t believe anyone…

The Divine Masculine

For decades it has been portrayed to us that women becoming empowered, becoming equal, becoming ‘non-traditional’ was somehow challenging to men, ‘us vs. them’, and a new facet of the War of the Sexes.  Because there is a finite amount of power in the world and if women had some, then men couldn’t have it. …

Does Your Soul Book See Your Path?

It may seem like a mystery to you now, but before you came into this embodied life you preplanned what you wanted to do and be and achieve this time around.  In fact, you worked long and hard to map things out. Does that mean that everything is predestined and can be seen laid out…

Time To Go Deeper

There are a lot of practitioners out there who work with a technique or a practice and have been doing so for years.  Soul healers, massage therapists, acupuncturists, aura readers, tarot readers, you name it, there are people out there practicing it.  And that’s a very good thing.  Because all of these skills and perspectives…

Continuing the Connection

We are social animals.  We relate to each other in such a variety of ways that we create categories of relationship just to be able to sort through them, much in the way we use the word ‘chair’ to define an infinite array of seating options.  And as much as we work to define relationships…

Free eBook About The Akashics

Yes, I’ve done it.  I realized that after over 2 years and almost 600 posts on the blog, it would be practically impossible for all but the most intrepid spelunkers to find the Akashic posts they are looking for.  So I’ve collected them all in one place. In here you’ll find information about past lives…

Where Else Can I Go?

There is so much focus on the Akashic Library and on Akashic records that people usually have no idea that there are other places in the Akashics to explore.  Most people who even know that the Akashics exist are looking for answers about themselves, about situations, about things that they want.  They want answers to…

Can You Depend On You?

There are times when we wonder who we can depend on in a given situation.  If we need a certain someone to do a certain something, can we depend on them to do it?  Even if they say they will?  If we go through the hoops that a company or organization says we need to,…

Spirit Body Congruence

When I give a reading for a new client I begin by looking at their physicality. This sometimes surprises clients and I have found that there are a couple of reasons for this.  One is that the soft and hard sciences have worked very hard to see the body as a machine with various parts…

Why Past Lives?

Why would we choose to live embodied lives full of struggle and pain and failure and mistakes and inevitable death?  Why would we choose to come be in bodies and lifetimes full of sorry and regret?  Why keep ourselves on a continuous wheel full of negative experiences and punishment?  Well, there is no one reason…